
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #157

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Long ago, dragons were hunted to near extinction by the Order of St. George, a legendary society of dragon slayers. Hiding in human form and growing their numbers in secret, the dragons of Talon have become strong and cunning, and they're positioned to take over the world with humans none the wiser.

Ember and Dante Hill are the only sister and brother known to dragonkind. Trained to infiltrate society, Ember wants to live the teen experience and enjoy a summer of freedom before taking her destined place in Talon. But destiny is a matter of perspective, and a rogue dragon will soon challenge everything Ember has been taught. As Ember struggles to accept her future, she and her brother are hunted by the Order of St. George.

Soldier Garret Xavier Sebastian has a mission to seek and destroy all dragons, and Talon's newest recruits in particular. But he cannot kill unless he is certain he has found his prey: and nothing is certain about Ember Hill. Faced with Ember's bravery, confidence and all-too-human desires, Garret begins to question everything that the Order has ingrained in him: and what he might be willing to give up to find the truth about dragons.

Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: October 28th 2014 by Harlequin Teen
Pre-Order here.

It feels like I have waited forever for Talon to come out. And now it is finally happening. Well, almost. I'm so nervous about this book. Yet so excited. Because I adore Julie. And her books. She is just all kinds of awesome. But there is a love triangle in this series. And I'm not sure how I will deal with that. But then, Julie did talk to me a little bit about it. So I'm hoping I will end up loving it :D Crossing my fingers. As Talon sounds so so good. <3 I cannot wait. Also shared about the cover, here, in April. <3
What are you waiting for on this scaly wednesday?


  1. Tempted to request this one from Net Galley. Gah!

  2. I am with her, not sure if I want to request, but I have loved her other series

  3. i loved Kagawa's blood of eden books so i'm excited for this one!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. I am SO excited for this one!! DRAGONS :D

  5. Boo love triangles, but it's been a while since I read the synopsis for this and I just reread it and now I'm even more excited! I looove Julie Kagawa, so it doesn't matter what she writes about, I'll read it! :D Great pick Carina!!

  6. Yup, I know what you mean. Hopefully no love triangle though. I hope you enjoy the book when you read it :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. I just received an ARC copy of this in my ARC August prize pack from Octavia at Read. Sleep. Repeat. I have a ton of other books to get through before I can even think of reading it though. I haven't read any of her other books, but I usually love anything that has to do with dragons. It has been getting alot of conflcting reviews, so I am curious as to what you will think.

  8. Ah, I don't think I'll be reading this one. Love triangle. :(


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