
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Preview Review: The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig

This will be just a short post, to let you know about this awesome book coming out in February. I was lucky enough to get a short sampler of The Fire Sermon via the UK publisher; Harper Voyager. <3 Thank you so much. Though now I am a bit sad, as the sample was awesome. I need more of this amazing story.

This sampler is very short, yet also so good. I'm super curious about this world. Where everyone is born a twin, one Alpha, one Omega. One whole, one damaged. One rich, one poor. Yeah. I am very interested in this plot. I got to know some in this sampler, but not enough. It just all seems so so awesome.

I'm not sure if this book is young adult or not. I hope so. But I will read it either way, as it seems so good already. But yess. I need to know how old the main character is. We see a little bit about her in this sampler. Cass seems amazing so far. Though my heart is breaking a little, as she is in a cell in the beginning of this book. Yeah. I need to know more. And I cannot wait to get my hardcover of this book in February. Really hoping and thinking that I will love it :D Hoping there might be a romance too, hih, though there doesn't need to be. Anyway. I'm not saying more about this, because the sampler is just, just wanted to share my thoughts and say that I really enjoyed this peek at The Fire Sermon. I think you should pre-order it right now. <3


  1. I hadn't heard of this one yet but I'm intrigued! Samplers are so bittersweet, I really want to read them but I know I'll regret it bc it won't be enough haha!

  2. I hadn't even heard of this, Carina, but I think I need to check it out! Sounds intriguing.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  3. Like the cover and def sounds promising

  4. I've been dying to read this one for so long, ever since the movie deal got revealed! Excellent preview and I'm anticipating it even more now!
    -Jon from Bookish Antics!


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