
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Preview Review: Lark Rising by Sandra Waugh

Just a small post to say that I started Lark Rising yesterday and finished it today. <3 My full review will be posted on September 28th, and I will be part of the blog tour on September 19th, where I will post a spotlight post of the book :) Thank you to Jaime at Rockstar Book Tours for letting me be a part of this tour, and sending a long a review copy of this gorgeous book :)

I didn't fully love this book, which is a shame, but I do find it so so gorgeous. And I will be getting a finished hardcover of it. <3 As I'm excited to own this beauty as a finished version as well. But though I did not love this book, I think many others will. So you should pre-order it and read it on the 23rd this month. <3


  1. I'm sorry you did not love it, hon. :( I hope this doesn't happen to me because I've been looking forward to it like crazy these last few weeks.

    Good luck with your next read! <3

  2. Aw. Sorry you did not love it, Carina. I hope your next read will be loads better. :)

  3. Preview review, LOL. I'm sorry you didn't like it (as much as I did, anyway), but I'm glad your outlook seems positive! I seriously loved this book :D Happy reading!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Awww, I'm so sorry to hear you didn't love this book as much as you wanted to sweetie!

  5. Wow the cover is simply breathtaking! Can't wait to read more of this amazing book and I hope it's full of romance :) Thank you.

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