
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #151

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

There are three rules in the Walled City: Run fast. Trust no one. Always carry your knife. Right now, my life depends completely on the first. Run, run, run.

Jin, Mei Yee, and Dai all live in the Walled City, a lawless labyrinth run by crime lords and overrun by street gangs. Teens there run drugs or work in brothels—or, like Jin, hide under the radar. But when Dai offers Jin a chance to find her lost sister, Mei Yee, she begins a breathtaking race against the clock to escape the Walled City itself.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication: November 4th 2014 by Little, Brown
Pre-Order here.

I'm excited about this book. I'm nervous about this book. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I just know that I'm excited to read it, lol. It sounds pretty good. And I'm very curious about it. Just crossing all my fingers that I will love it :) Have read some reviews, and it sounds kind of awesome. Cannot wait. <3
What are you waiting for on this lawless wednesday?   


  1. Sounds like a thrilling read and you don't have to wait too long for the release. Great choice, Carina! :)

  2. Look so pretty and sound so good. I have to read it.

    My wow:

  3. I actually have this one - which is surprising, because I never get Little, Brown books. My friend Jess sent my one (totally sweet of her). I'm pretty excited about it!! I hope you love it when you read it, Carina :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I managed to pick this one up at BEA and the author was so nice and friendly. It does sound great. I hope you like this one as well. Great pick.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. I've seen this around and it does sound very exciting! Hope you'll love it when you read it :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  6. This one sounds so fascinating and exciting! Good thing November is steadily getting closer :)

    Great WOW!

  7. I'm quite intrigued by this one too, Carina! I'm not too fond of the various cover changes that it has had... Let's hope we both will love it!

  8. Ooh I love the sound of The Walled City! I haven't come across it before, just added it to my TBR list. It sounds amazing, and November isn't too far away. Thanks for sharing it :)

    My WoW

  9. I'm eager to try another book by this author! I read her debut All That Glows and I loved the writing but not so much the story. This one looks really different and exciting and I love the exotic sounding setting!

  10. I cannot wait to read this one too! I don't love that cover, but I love that it's set in a place that was once real. I'm fascinated by the real walled city. Great pick!

  11. New to me but sounds good and hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  12. I picked this up at BEA - I'm looking forward to reading it, too. :) Thanks for sharing!

  13. I actually can't decide if I want to read this one or not! It definitely sounds like it could be good! I think I'm going to wait until it's out, but I so hope it's wonderful. :) Great pick Carina!


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