
Saturday, September 6, 2014

In My Mailbox #149

Oh, how I have been lazy this week. Which is not good. I've just been so tired and not wanting to do anything. And yet I have so much that needs to be done. I'm still behind on my blog comments :( And I'm sorry about that. I will catch up soonish. If I ever start feeling better. Sigh. I also didn't read much this week at all. I was going to, but no. I haven't felt like reading any of my books. But. I am waiting on some that I'm excited about :D Hoping to read today. Or tomorrow. We'll see. <3 But I did read Summerfall. <3 Which was perfect and heartbreaking. I also read Lark Rising, which I did not love. Sniffs. I posted another awesome Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on The Walled City :) Giveaway winner for Winterspell swag has been announced here. <3 Anyway. I did get some awesome things in the mail this week. <3 Happy with it all. Though still missing much. Grr. What did you get this week? :)

I'm giving away THREE hardcover copies of the Norwegian edition of Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. You must all enter this giveaway. International. It has a gorgeous cover. Enter here. <3 Only 4 days left!

HMPH. This is not the color of my picture. Blogger has done something to it. Haven't been able to change it. Which is a bit annoying. Sigh. As you can see in picture below, it should look like that one.
The Art of Princess Mononoke. Oh, this book is stunning. And this movie is amazing. I love this book.
How To Start A Dragon Academy. This book is just all kinds of adorable. <3 I love it. It is so so cute.
Four. Finally got myself the signed copy, hih, as B&N got a few more in stock :) A bit expensive.. still.
Deliverance. I must have all the editions, hih. This UK paperback is all kinds of pretty. Must read soon.
Grischa: Ruin and Rising. I now own all the German editions of this trilogy. <3 And they are all stunning.
The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. Gorgeous German edition :D And I love this book so much. <3
The Bitter Kingdom. This took forever to arrive. But worth the wait. Because this paperback is stunning.
Kinslayer. New US paperback edition. <3 Sniffs. I adore this series. So good. And this book is beautiful.
Witch Hunt. Got via UK publisher. <3 Thank you so so much. I will be reading book one very soonish :D
Dragons. A few more of the gorgeous dragons. <3 They are perfect. And so damn cute. So much love.
Men In Black 3. I have watched movie 1&2 a few months ago, and wanted to see this. It was on sale :)
Ender's Game. This was on sale too; excited to see it. Heard of drama, but think movie will be good.
The Hobbit 2. This was also on sale, hih, so I had to buy it, as I didn't own this blu-ray version yet. <3

First we have the gorgeous kitty, hih. <3 This picture was taken today; she just had to be in it.
Ruin and Rising. This audiobook thing looks pretty gorgeous. <3 I'm getting another version too, hih :)
The Hobbit. Small yet gorgeous journal. <3 I thought it was bigger, though. Hmph. Still. It is pretty :)
Swag. Well. I'm disappointed with this, to be honest. I supported Authors for CCHS and was to get a swag pack. When I read the info about the swag pack, it said this: "Get a package of buttons, bookmarks, and other swag from your favorite YA authors!" So, yeah. A bit disappointed. Still. Pretty :)

Swag from Megan Crewe. I got these amazing bookmarks from Megan. <3 Thank you so much. They are gorgeous. And I cannot wait to add some of them to my wall of swag, hih :) I will also be doing swag giveaways. Once I'm feeling less lazy :p But yeah. Giveaway coming soon; it will be international. <3

Polaris. While I didn't love book one, Avalon, I did enjoy it a lot. So I just had to download this one via Edelweiss, hih :D I'm hoping I will love it. <3 When I decide to read it. Ack. I am not good at reading my eARCs :( I just don't feel like reading any of them. But I should. Maybe. Hopefully :) This do look all kinds of pretty, though. <3 And I adore Mindee. She is so kind and awesome.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Your cat is adorable... And great haul. Ruin and Rising on audiobook, that must be awesome. And I love all the swag. Happy reading..

  2. Seriously, you have to cutest, fluffiest cat in the entire world. <3

    Happy reading, Carina!

  3. Awww sleep kitty! And OMG Princess Mononke art, I love that movie and I miss that era of Ghibli! Happy reading (and watching) :)

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  4. OMG. Your cat is beautiful. She definitely loves to be photographed. You got some interesting books this week. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. Your cat is too cute, Carina! So fluffy! I need to catch up with CJ Redwine's series because I got the last one for review. I'm so thrilled about the On the Jellicoe Road giveaway! I love that cover and the story is just beyond amazing! Enjoy your books! :)

  6. LOVED Deliverance and The Bitter Kingdom! Gorgeous editions :) So sorry that you didn't love Lark Rising! I know I did ;) I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  7. KEEP EVERYTHING JUST GIVE ME YOUR CAT <3 for a day at least? SO CUTE! and wow yea that is NOT a swag pack.. kinda annoyed they would do that.. there's not a single button too :S - Juhina

  8. Bitter Kingdom sounds good. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  9. You've got the most adorable and photogenic of all cats, Carina! I love how he's looking at you in that photo wondering with you're putting things down!

    I do hope you will be feeling to read more this nex week sweetie! *hugs*

  10. Oh my gosh, I was just looking at that book on Princes Mononoke! I adore those books on the art from the Miyazaki movies. I bought one for my best friend for her birthday a couple of years ago--she died. :) And yay pretty Bitter Kingdom! Aww, your kitty is SO cute! I love that she likes to be in the pictures. :) I hope you have a great week Carina and start to feel better!

  11. Aw, I love when kitty sneaks into your book pics! :D Oh Witch Hunt!! I have that and need to read it very soon---loved book one so much! Another great haul, Carina!

  12. Sweet books, movies, and swag!! So much amazingness! I'm jealous of the autographed FOUR copy - that's so cool!

    Hope you enjoy everything :D

  13. Ooh pretty books and swag! I grabbed Polaris from Edelweiss as well, and though I thought Avalon was okay, I really want to find out what happens :P
    So jealous your copy of Four is signed! Loved that book so much <3

  14. I just bought Defiance, so fingers crossed I'll like it and then buy the last two. :P I still need to get the Fire and Thorns series for my shelves. Hector. <3
    Happy reading, lady, and thanks for sharing!

  15. Gorgeous kitty! And hey, free swag, that's pretty cool. I don't think I've won any free stuff in years. I really need to start entering more competitions. Loving the German edition of Claire LeGrand's book, German has always been one of my favourite languages.

    Under The Mountain


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