
Saturday, April 19, 2014

In My Mailbox #129

I did not get a lot in the mail this week. Only two books! Agh. I am shocked, lol. But it is because of this easter thing. No mail for days. And no mail today either. Sniffs. So nothing until Tuesday. But hopefully things will start arriving then; as I am waiting for a bunch of books. :) But even though I got little in the mail, I have had a lot of new blog posts. I have read a lot as well. Which makes me happy. Going to share all the new posts, hih. First, my reviews for this week: Invaded. Prisoner of Night and Fog. Shipwreck Island. Reboot. And I'm currently writing my review of Rebel, which will post in a moment. <3 Cover reveals: Talon. The Cure for Dreaming. Everblaze. Cress Tuesday. My poor Scarlet. Sniffs. And my Waiting on Wednesday. So yeah. There were a lot of new posts this week :D What did you get this week?

Sea of Shadows. I will read this book soonish, I think :D And omg. I won a signed copy! Coming soon :)
The Mark of Athena. You all know of my love for Percy Jackson. <3 Best book. Gorgeous US paperback.

I was supposed to write about this last week. But I kept forgetting :p Just luck that I just remembered it, lol. Anyway. Last week I watched two movies at the cinema. First, Noah. Which I very much liked. I thought it was a great movie. Except that I didn't like Ham. The bible isn't anything for me, so I haven't read the "real" version of this story. Just know that I enjoyed this one. Cannot wait to watch it again.

Then I also watched Divergent the next day. And I'm not sure how to feel. It was a favorite book of mine for a long time; until I read better ones, lol. But yeah. I still love that book. But this movie. I'm not sure why, but it bored me. I sat there for over two hours being bored. And waiting for it to finish :p It was pretty good, though. It was probably the best book-to-movie adaption. But I also didn't love it. Because a lot of things were different from the book. The fear landscapes were different. Especially when Tris did her test at the end, with Four wanting to sleep with her. In the movie he tried to rape her and she kneed his balls. And seriously. IT WAS NOT LIKE THAT IN THE BOOK. It annoyed the crap out of me. Sigh. Anyway. There was just so much about that movie I did not like. I didn't feel much for it. I think I liked the actors. Though not that much. I wanted Tris to have blonde hair. Was it really THAT difficult to find a blond actor?! I think not. Ugh. And Four. He did not look like I pictured him. Sigh. He's handsome. Kind of. But not really for me. Sniffs. And Tris's friends. They all looked the same. Which confused me even more. (Will, Al, Peter) And omg! Just remembered. What pissed me off even more was how many initiates there were. Waaaaay above 30. Which was not in the book. Ugh. Sorry. I was just not very happy with this movie. Maybe a 2.5 star for me. Or just a 2 star. I can't be sure. Anyway. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. where did you buy your US paperback of the mark of athena, I need one to match my others!

    1. Hi :) US paperback got pre-ordered via The Book Depository :D Ships worldwide ;p

  2. Only two books, but pretty cool. :) And a signed copy? That's amazing! :)
    BTW, I love your floor. :)

    1. Hih, thank you. <3 Yess. That is awesome :D I cannot wait to get it :)
      Aw, hih, thank you :) I love my floor too.

  3. OH! I watched the movie 2 weeks ago and thought it was super awesome!! I did mind the blond hair thing as well tho! And yeah, the rape scene was a bit off. But I did enjoy it overall :) :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love the Percy Jackson series :) Never read the Heroes of Olympus, but looks like a great series too. Happy Easter :)

  6. Only two books, but still two very great ones hopefully:) I got TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE by Jenny Han today and can't wait to start it. Have a Happy Easter weekend!:)

  7. Signed copies are always the best! And the hardback of Sea of Shadows looks amazing!!
    I know the Easter thing sucks for the mail! Over here we only got mail Monday to Wednesday, and I have quite a few books coming from TBD that hopefully will arrive all together next week!

  8. woop! I also want to read Sea of Shadows soon! and aww.. i'm sad you didn't enjoy Divergent.. I actually LOVED IT! (going to watch it again in an hour!) I'm happy you liked Noah.. I love Emma Watson and I can't wait to see it.

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. I heard good things about Sea of Shadows, which makes me very happy b/c I've been anticipating it's release. Still waiting for the library copy......thinking I might just have to buy it! I'll wait til I read some more reviews.......
    Michelle @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

  10. Wow, this is a small week for you, Carina! But I'm really curious to see what you think of Sea of Shadows! I don't think I've read many reviews... I'm sorry you didn't like Divergent! I definitely agree it's one of the best book-to-movie adaptations, but I really liked it. It's been a while since I read the book, so I didn't remember a lot of details, which probably helped. ;) I so agree that Will and Al looked really similar. It took me a long time to figure out who was who! :D

    Have a great week Carina! I hope you get all of your packages!!

  11. Sea of Shadows is amazing! Hope you love it as much as I did :)
    And I totally get you about Divergent - that's why I didn't watch the movie and I'm not going to. Got so mad when I heard about the rape thing in the fear landscape. It definitely wasn't that in the book! Also the actors don't look anything like I pictured them so I didn't want to spoil my version of the book in my head. Anyway, hope you had a great week :)

  12. Ahhh, a quiet week for both of us! I loved Sea of Shadows - definitely one of my favorite books of 2014 so far :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  13. LOL yes it's so hard when the actors in a movie don't look anything like we pictured them...which is why I am so nervous for the Fallen movie. And just all the changes they always make from book to movie, it's usually frustrating. Like the Beautiful Creatures movies? Was not a fan. :(

    Sea of Shadows looks really good and I love Kelley Armstrong---congrats on winning a signed copy!

    1. Aw, yess. ACK! I did NOT like the Beautiful Creatures movie either :( Just not good. Sigh. Thank you sweetie. <3

  14. Sea of Shadows sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  15. I haven't picked up any of Rick Riordan's books, but a lot of people seem to really enjoy them! Also haven't heard of Kelley Armstrong's book yet, but the cover looks REALLY good! Enjoy both of your new reads!


  16. But..but. Theo! Theo. James. Droools. Lol. I'm sad you didn't love it as much, Carina. But oh well. And congrats for the signed booty! :)

    Happy reading, love.

  17. Oh I'm so sorry you were bored in Divergent! I thought it was so much fun :-( And Theo won me over...I didn't think he'd be able to. I am really interested to hear what you think of Sea of Shadows! Yay signed book :-)


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