
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Review: Rebel by Amy Tintera

I'm glad I finally started reading this book. Because I really enjoyed Rebel. Also glad that I decided to re-read Reboot first :) I think this is an amazing series. Though there are only two books. And there doesn't need to be more. But, as always, I do wish for a third book, hih. <3 But oh. I really did enjoy Rebel.

I'm not sure what I should talk about when it comes to this book. There is so much that could be spoilery. Okay, fine, I only want to write about the spoilery parts, lol. But I won't. Probably. At least not much. I'll try. But anyway. Rebel is told from the point of view of Wren and Callum. Which I loved really much.

Wren is still such an amazing character. I adored her. She changes a bit in this book. But she's still pretty amazing and yeah. I like her a lot. It makes me happy that she is honest. Honest about how she feels and what she thinks. That is a good thing. Then there is Callum. I loved getting to read from his point of view. Because, yeah, he is all kinds of awesome. I adore him. I love how.. human, he is. In a way. Since he's only a twenty two. But he isn't fully human either. Which I loved even more. Sigh. I enjoyed getting to know him a little bit more in this book. And I love how much he cares for Wren. The romance is awesome.

There are a lot of new characters in this book. Many I hated. But also a few I liked. Like Riley. I think I liked him. He was Wren's trainer a while ago. I did enjoy reading about him, at least. He was interesting. I also loved getting to see more of Addie. She's still pretty amazing. But agh. This one thing that happens with her broke my heart. So sad. And awful. Yet I couldn't help but love it. Sigh. Then there is Micah. He confused me at first. I was worried. But then I ended up hating him, which was good, lol.

There is a lot of things happening in Rebel. A lot of interesting things. And hurtful things. And oh. There is so much murder in this book. I liked it. Though I didn't care too much about those who died, hih. But it was pretty sad as well. Sigh. Anyway. We also learn more about the Reboots in this book. And I really loved that, as I think it is an amazing plot twist. I loved reading about it. Though there are also a little bit of kind-of torture in this book. It was sad. But also kind of interesting. But yes. Broke my heart.

I don't want to say too much about Rebel. But I do want to say that it is an amazing sequel. And I loved the romance parts. I was worried. I was worried about a love triangle; but there isn't any hints of that. Just so you know. Which made me beyond happy. Sigh. It also made me happy that not that much time passes in this book. That was good. Anyway. I really loved the romance between Wren and Callum. <3 It is beyond sweet. And I loved reading about it so much. I loved reading about everything in this book.

I'm unsure how to rate this book. Because while I loved it, and I didn't hate any parts of it, I also had a few small issues with the writing. Which broke my heart. I enjoyed it a lot, honest. But I also thought that it wasn't all that perfect. And it made me have some issues with connecting to the book at first. So. I'm going to rate this book with a five star. Because I did love it a lot. But it was a four point five at times. But yes. Rebel is an amazing book full of action and murder and romance. It's pretty awesome.

Huge thank you to HarperTeen for the auto-approval on Edelweiss so that I was able to read and review Rebel early. <3 Though I do wish I had read it in January. Hm. But also just happy that I finally read it, hih. As it is an amazing book. And I cannot wait to get my hardcover of it. So pretty as well. I adore the book covers for Reboot and Rebel. They are pretty and unique. Anyway. As I said, Rebel is an amazing book. And I think you will all love it. So if you read Reboot then you really need to read Rebel as well. <3


  1. YAY! So happy to hear you loved it! I'm very glad to hear we have some plot twists to look forward too, more info about the Reboots and NO LOVE TRIANGLE!!
    Awesome review sweetie, it's always so hard to not talk about the spoilers since they're always what you want to not stop talking about!!

  2. I've heard nothing but good things about this book, so I guess I'm going to have to take the memo and get started with it ASAP, eh? ;) I'm loving the sound of the plot twists though! Even though you had a few small issues with the writing, I'm glad you loved it so much overall! Thanks for sharing, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. *Hugs* Thank you so much :D Ohh yess. You need to read these books :D

  3. Loved this book so much! I want to re-read this series now :D It was awesome getting Callum's POV, and I adored the romance too.
    So glad you loved this. Great review!

  4. I remember liking Wren and the premise and can't wait to get to this one. I won't have time to reread but will hopefully be on recaptains

  5. I really should read my copy of Reboot. You've praised it well enough. :) Great review, Carina.

  6. Oh nice to hear you're enjoying this series so much, Carina. I haven't picked up the first one, but it sounds like this doesn't suffer from the dreaded "second book syndrome". Great review! :)


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