
Friday, April 18, 2014

Book Recommendation: Reboot by Amy Tintera

Re-reading Reboot made me happy. And I'm so glad that I finally decided to do so. I've been meaning to re-read it ever since I downloaded Rebel for review back in January. But I was nervous. I was nervous about not loving it the same way this second time, as it has been more than a year since I first read it. But I shouldn't have worried. Because I loved it so much. I still think Reboot is an amazing book. It is exciting and fun and full of amazing romance. I'm so happy that I finally read it again. It's awesome.

I'm not going to recap the book in this recommendation of mine. Because I feel that I would end up talking for ages, lol. But I will say that the plot in Reboot is amazing. I enjoyed it so much. It's exciting and surprising and full of action. And the romance. Swoon. More on that soonish. There is a lot of death in this book. But I didn't really mind. Except for this one death. That broke my heart. But it also made sense, and I think I would have made the same choice. Sniffs. But yes. It was very heartbreaking.

Reboot is told from the point of view of seventeen year old Wren. Who is all kinds of amazing. I loved her. And I loved reading about her. At first she doesn't feel all that much. Which I didn't mind. But then Callum arrives and she starts to change. And I loved that so much. I think she ended up an even better person. But anyway. I adored reading about her. I adored her scars, even though they shame her. I think she's beautiful. And agh. I really loved reading about her and cannot wait to get to know more of her.

Wren is a Reboot. There are a lot of them in this book. And that was such an awesome plot twist. I loved getting to know stuff about them. How much stronger they are than other humans. How fast they heal. How different they are as well. So awesome. Wren has been dead for 178 minutes, which is the most at the moment. What she had to go through was so heartbreaking to read about. Yet I wanted to read more and more. Sigh. I just love to torture myself, don't I? lol. But yeah. I thought the Reboots were amazing.

One of the things I loved the most about Wren was her roommate and friend, Ever. I adored her as well. But I really loved their friendship. It gets better and more real after Callum arrives. And they are just too cute. Sigh. Ever is amazing. Though holy crap. Such awful things happen with her. Heartbreak. But also so interesting to read about. It was amazing. Sigh. There are a few other characters in this book that I liked as well. Like Addie. Would like to get to know her more as well. She did seem awesome.

Then, of course, there is Callum. Who is a Twenty-Two. Which is a very low number for a Reboot. It means that he has more emotions that the others, and is more human. And sigh. I loved that. Because Callum is amazing. I loved reading about him so much. And I loved getting to know him. I loved how he was with Wren. He is horrified with how many she has killed, but I feel like he accept her. I hope. The romance is very sweet in this book. It made me grin like crazy. Callum is just all kinds of amazing.

I don't want to say more about this book. Just that it is incredible. And I need you all to read it. Especially since the last book, Rebel, is coming out in less than a month. <3 Though, yeah, I'm reading it in a moment since I have a review copy of it :D And I cannot wait. I need to know what happens next. Anyway. Reboot is a stunning novel. I loved it. And I loved the writing as well. Just loved everything about it. Sigh. I also cannot wait to read more books by Amy Tintera. She's pretty amazing as well.


He slid his hand into mine and leaned over to press a soft kiss onto my cheek.
I shifted a little closer, until his warm arm rubbed against mine,
and lowered my gaze to hide the goofy smile spreading across my face.


  1. Aw. This sounds awesome, Carina. I haven't read my copy yet. Boo.

  2. Oh wow! Ok, now i'm gonna have to read it! I was curious about it when someone posted Rebel for their WAITING ON WED post. I've never even heard of the series before then.
    It sounds like a intense and fun read! I'm sold! Thanks for sharing Carina xoxox
    Michelle @ Book Hangover Blabs Books

  3. I really liked Reboot, though there was a bit during the middle that seemed a bit too slow for me. I really loved Wren and her friendship with Ever and I really liked the romance! And that ending... GAH! I cannot wait to hear what you think of Rebel next, and to get my preorder of it!

  4. AH! I need to get a copy of this book! I have heard amazing things about it and I trust your recommendations Carina! Also, love it when the main protagonist has likable friends :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  5. Somehow I've managed to look over this one until now! I'd seen the cover but never read about it at all. It sounds so good!! And I'm so glad it held up to your reread! That can definitely be scary. I will definitely pick this one up soon. :D

    1. YAY :D I really hope you will love this book. <3


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