
Friday, April 18, 2014

Cover Reveal: Everblaze by Shannon Messenger

I cannot not share this gorgeous cover. I die a little everytime I look at it. IT IS GORGEOUS. Simply perfect. Everblaze is the third book in this amazing middle grade series. I really loved Keeper of the Lost Cities and Exile. <3 They are both awesome books. And this. I cannot wait to read Everblaze. Just look at that cover! FITZ! My love! And Fitz and Sophie. He is holding her. Holding hands. Kind of. It is adorable and it is killing me. So much gorgeousness. Just wishing I didn't have to wait until November to read it. Grrr. But it will be worth the wait; I just know it. <3 (Biggest wish is for Sophie and Fitz to become a couple. Fingers crossed.) But I'm also so excited for more of that awesome world and plot. Sigh. November cannot get here fast enough. No summary yet, but hopefully soon. I cannot wait to read that, hih. Also. Shannon is amazing. I adore her. She's just awesome. What do you think of the cover?


  1. OH my God can't agree enough! I ADORE THIS SERIES SO FREAKING MUCH. And the third one is just...GAH. And I love how each of the guys are shown on the cover! FITZ! Although I have to say, my heart belongs to Keefe!

  2. I love the covers so much. <3

  3. The cover is indeed gorgeous! I think I need to start this series, even if I'm not a big middle grade fan!

  4. Love this cover! They look fantastic all together, though I think Exile's cover is still my favourite. I'm glad you enjoy this series so much, Carina. I still need to read it!

  5. I really like the covers of all three!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. who is on the front covers of book 1 and 2?


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