
Saturday, April 5, 2014

In My Mailbox #127

I think the mailman is holding my packages hostage. Agh. Because so much did not arrive this week. And today there was nothing at all. Sniffs. But next week. Next week everything should get here, so the post will be much bigger then, I think :D Hih. But anyway. I did get a few things. <3 But agh. I'm still so so sick. I'm taking antibiotics, but so far they are not helping that much. My coughing is awful. My nose is awful. And my head hurts all the damn time. I got antibiotics because I suddenly also got streptococcus in my throat. Sobs. First time I've had that. Sigh. I'm just sick of being sick. Have had this damn cold thing for two weeks now. Anyway. I have not been able to read much. At all. Which makes me so sad. But yeah. Finally finished The Kiss of Deception today; only took me 8 days o.O Did not like it. Sobs. Posted a Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on this awesome Grisha short story by Leigh Bardugo. <3 And I have this amazing interview with the awesome Elizabeth Fama :D Where I'm also giving away a brand new hardcover of her book Plus One. <3 Ohh, and I posted the title for Unremembered #3 :D Which I love. So I did have a pretty good week. What did you get this week?

Dark Triumph. Official US paperback? I think. Will always love the book. <3 But unsure about this new cover. Agh. The face is not looking all that pretty or even real. Still. I just had to own it, hih :D
Carrie. I got this pretty cheap, so I needed to buy it. <3 (The old version) I have never seen it, though.
What the Moon Said. Awesome swag that I won via Jessica Spotswood. <3 Thank you so much :)
Degrees of Wrong. Got this amazing swag pack from Anna. <3 Thank you so so much. It is gorgeous.

Alien. I have never seen these movies. But had to buy this. Looking awesome! I bought it because I got it for just £30, instead of retail price of £150. And.. well, it do look pretty amazing, don't you think?

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


    I agree, that Dark Triumph cover looks a bit weird. I haven't read it, I only read grave mercy but i really want to!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. So sweet kitten :) Dark Triumph sound like a great book.

  3. You could mail me the kitty :) Great haul!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. I like the paperback cover of Dark Triumph. :)
    Here is My Stacking the Shelves

  5. I'm not sure what you have (there are different types of Streptococcus infections) but those are nasty! I hope that the antibiotics start to work soon (not sure how lang you are taking it? Most of the times they work pretty fast) I'm not in love with that design for Dark Triumph, the other is much prettier, but at least the inside stays as gorgeous as always :D

    Feel better soon!

    1. Ack. I was supposed to respond to this ages ago! I'm sorry. <3 But anyway. I was taking antibiotics for 10 days, and I am finally all back to normal, hih. Which makes me happy :) Thank you sweetie. <3

  6. Kitty!! Looks so adorable!
    Your haul wasn't as big as other weeks, but I do hope everything arrived next week and you'll be feeling much much better so you can read more!

  7. You have the cutest kitteh in the entire world. :) Sorry you've had such an awful week, hun. I hope you'll feel better soon. <3

    1. Ack. Thank you sweetie. <3 (Yeah, I do think she is the cutest in the entire world, hih. <3)

  8. Awwww, your kitty looks adorable <3 Enjoy your books ;) xx

  9. Oooo, paperback of Dark Triumph, LOVE! And Anna Banks is so great with swag. She's awesome!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Your kitty is so beautiful! I sometimes feel like my mailman holds my stuff hostage too :-( I hope you get everything on Monday! Beautiful paperback of Dark triumph!

  11. Dark triumph sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  12. Aww, I'm sorry you're still sick!! That's the worst. :( I hope you feel better soon!!

    Yeahhh, I'm not sure that I like that Dark Triumph cover much either. I wonder why it's different from the hardcover. And all scary movies this week? I've never seen Carrie or any of the Alien movies--though I saw Prometheus and supposedly it has to do with Alien? I dunno.

    Have a great week Carina!
    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  13. That week must have been terrible for you. I'm impressed that you were able to read a book while nursing a cold. Taking antibiotics usually saps a person's strength, even things such as reading gets difficult. I hope you're okay now, and that the cold did not take the wind out of you!

    Cathy Stewart @ The Good Health Practice\


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