
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Review: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

It's upsetting me a lot that I did not like this book. I wanted to. I really, really wanted to. First, the cover is gorgeous. But the summary is also amazing. I was worried about a love triangle, but though I would love it despite that. Turns out there is one, but that isn't the main reason for why I disliked the book.

I've decided to rate this book with two stars. And that even makes me feel kind. This book just.. didn't make me feel anything. A bit of anger a few times, but mostly just nothing. I wanted to love it. I wanted it to blow me away. But it didn't. And it makes me sad. But it is what it is. I will try to explain.

You should also be aware that my review may not be that nice. Towards the book, that is. And I will try my best to share no spoilers. But I do need to talk about some important plot parts. Sigh. I just really wish I had loved this book. But no. First, I started it 8 days ago, then didn't manage to read more because I got sick. Though I think that is just my excuse, as I didn't want to pick it up again at all :p But today I wanted to finish it, so I read the last almost-300-pages that I had left. And agh. I just could not make myself care about this book. Like at all. I wanted to. So much. But I didn't. I did not like the way it was written. I didn't like the writing. I could not connect with the characters. Most of the time I didn't like them. It was depressing.

I'm not sure what I should mention in this review of mine. I hope not to talk too much about the book, as I don't really have much positive to say. Which is just sad. Sigh. But anyway. The Kiss of Deception is told from the point of view of Lia. Whom I just could not connect to. I didn't really feel anything for her. I never truly understood why she fled her arranged marriage. Why she just left her family and her kingdom behind. Oh, sure, she wanted a better life. But I never really got why she did what she did.

Most of this book is just about Lia and her best friend Pauline leaving behind their town and going to a new town. We see them get to know new people, which was kind of cute. Yet I never felt anything for any of them. Agh. I liked Pauline a little bit, but she was also a bit annoying to me. Then the romance starts happening. Two guys arrive. And there is a love triangle. Though at first I was sure there wouldn't be one. But, of course, the main character is so conflicted, because they are so handsome. Blah.

I think I liked Rafe. But I didn't truly love him. And I felt like the whole romance thing was way too fast. Suddenly there was thinking of love and how they both loved her and ugh. I just did not see it or understand it or like it. But I do know that other people will. Which is good. Just, not good for me. I'm unsure about the plot in this book. Sometimes I think I liked it a little bit. But then it got boring for me. We learn about one of Lia's brother. It was supposed to be heartbreaking. I didn't care. At all. Sigh.

I don't think I should say anything about this book. There was just so much that I had issues with. I enjoyed the plot a few times. But not enough for me to like this book. I'm sticking with a two star, though it could have been a one star at times. This book just wasn't for me. I wanted it to be, but no. Also. It is quite long. And a bit boring most of the time. Then the ending happens. And I felt like it could have happened hundreds of pages before. So yeah. It is quite a cliffhanger. And I do want to know what happens next. But I also know that this is a book that I will, unfortunately, forget about very soon.

But anyway. Even though I did not enjoy this book, I think others will like it. Probably. So I wish you all best of luck with this book. Though, yeah. There is a love triangle in it. And while I liked this one thing at the ending, I still think the love triangle will be even bigger in the second book. Ugh. I hate love triangles. But anyway. I will still be pre-ordering a gorgeous hardcover of this book. <3 I read a print ARC that I was very lucky to get from Ksenia at Macmillan Kids. <3 Thank you so so much Ksenia :)


  1. Oh... It's really upsetting but sometimes we found that kind of books... I really want to read this books... the summary and the cover are so cool, but after reading your review... I'm not sure about it...

  2. I saw this book on NetGalley and didn't feel like requesting it cause of the suggestion of love triangle, and after reading your review, I'm glad I didn't!
    Thanks for your very honest review, Carina!

  3. Aw. That's sad. I've seen this book on pretty much everyone's weekly book haul post. :/ I must admit, I was a little excited to read this as well. I guess I'll wait a bit more.

    I hope your next book will be better, Carina.

  4. Aw I'm sorry this one disappointed you. I was also kind of excited because it looks beautiful, I love that cover. However, I'm not much of love triangle fan as I find that they are not necessary and often not done well. Thanks for your honest review :)


  5. Oh no! :( I can't stand love triangles, and this is exactly what I feared. Other reviews said that it wasn't really one, but most bloggers are more lenient than I am. Hmm.

    Thank you for your review, though!

  6. Oh dear! I'm about to start this and I really want to love it. Several people have told me not to worry about the triangle, but you definitely make me very nervous about it!! I love fantasy, so I'm going to try this anyway, but I'm going in with lowered expectations. Sorry this wasn't for you :(.

  7. Aww! this happens sometimes. As you know I really enjoyed TKoD. If you can't connect to the characters then it just won't be as good a reading experience. I hope the next book you read hits you much better.

  8. Sorry to hear this wasn't for you. Some books just aren't for everyone, and hope that your next is better

  9. Aww, I'm so sad to see this! It's the worst when you can't connect to the main character. :( Well, I hope your next read it better and the memory of this one will fade into the distance! Great review Carina!

  10. I am so sorry you didn't like this one very much. The cover is just beautiful Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts. :) May the next book be fabulous!


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