
Friday, April 4, 2014

Title Reveal: Unremembered #3 by Jessica Brody

Today the title for Unremembered #3 by Jessica Brody was revealed. And I just have to share it. I love it. And I cannot wait to read this book. <3 As I really enjoyed book one and two :) Plus, Unforgotten murdered me a little bit with that ending. Agh. So cruel. But yeah. I cannot wait for this third book :D So excited. And I very much like the title. <3 Also so excited for the cover reveal. Predicting that it will look gorgeous. February 24th 2015 cannot get here faster. <3 What do you think of it? And the title is ...


  1. Hmm, Unchanged, I like it. I have the first book, and I plan on reading it soon. Thanks for sharing!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. Ooooh, what a great title! Now, once that book releases I'll be ready to read the whole series!

  3. I haven't read this series, I will have to check it out!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. Yayyyyy, I love the title! I've not started the series yet, but I'm planning on it! I can't wait to see the cover! :)

  5. The covers are beautiful and the titles are both excellent. :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. I haven't read the first two, but I love the covers and the titles. And the synopsis to each book sounds SO SO GOOD! I'll have to buy all three at a time, and marathon them! (:



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