
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Proxy by Mindee Arnett Launch Day Excerpt + Giveaway‏

I'm so happy to be a part of this launch day excerpt blogger post! I quite enjoyed Avalon by Mindee Arnett, so I cannot wait to read this short story that happens before the book. Proxy sounds amazing and I'm very excited for it. It's out TODAY and I think you should all go buy it :D Sharing an excerpt today and an amazing giveaway via the publisher below. Hope you enjoy and that you enter the giveaway :) Just wanted to say that I adore Mindee; she's an amazing person. <3 Can't wait to read more from her :)

Proxy Description

If you need something stolen from any star system in the Confederation, you need look no further than the Shades. Jeth Seagrave and his band of teenage mercenaries have been making a name for themselves for being able to steal anything—and for disappearing before anyone is the wiser.

Their latest job, a jewel heist on Grakkus, should be no different. But when Jeth's boss replaces a key member of his crew just before takeoff, and Jeth discovers a betrayal within his own ranks, he begins to suspect that not everyone is going to be coming back from his job alive.

 is an action-packed introduction to a world like nothing readers have seen before.

Where to find Mindee Arnett: Website - Twitter - Facebook - Tumblr

Mindee Arnett lives on a horse farm in Ohio with her husband, two kids, a couple of dogs, and an inappropriate number of cats. She’s addicted to jumping horses and telling tales of magic, the macabre, and outer space. She has far more dreams than nightmares. She's the YA author of The Nightmare Affair (Tor Teen), an urban fantasy series about a girl who is literally a nightmare and must use her skills to solve a murder, and the forthcoming science fiction series, Avalon (B+B, 1/21/2014), where Jeth and his teenage mercenaries need to pull off one last big job in order to earn their freedom.

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