
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Graceling will always be my favorite book. It's been 13 months since I last read it, and now I finally had the time to read it again, for the fifth time. Most likely. And oh. It was still just as good. Still better than all other books. It still gave me all the feels. It made me smile like a crazy person. It made me cry. It gave me so much heartbreak. But it is also the most beautiful book with the most amazing love story. Graceling is a perfect book. And I will always cherish it. Now to re-read Fire and Bitterblue as well :)

I can't deal with my feelings for this book. There is just too much. It's perfect. The whole book is amazing. And though I just finished it, I wish to read it again. And again. I will never tire of Graceling. I really enjoy the writing in this book, which is good. It's beautiful and just amazing. And the characters are so perfect. I loved every one of them. Well, some I hated but I loved my hate for them. And then there is the story. The story in Graceling is the best. It's amazing and heartbreaking and so good.

I don't know what I should say about Graceling in this post of mine. I feel like I have said it all before. But oh. I just wish to say that I love this book to pieces. I loved every single moment of it. The book is very real. Though Fantasy, which I loved. I loved reading about people who were Graced. Though we didn't meet too many. But Katsa and Po. Sigh. They are the best and I adored them so much. Their Graces were pretty amazing to read about so I really loved that. Leck's Grace makes me shudder.

The book is told from the point of view of Katsa. Which I loved. Though I would have loved to be able to see into the head of Po. Sigh. Maybe one day? :) Anyway. Katsa is the best main character. I loved reading about her because she changes a lot. And she's so fierce. I adored her. She's strong and smart and kind. She's angry a lot too. But then, I would have been angry as well. But oh. She's so sweet as well. Katsa is an amazing person. And I adored her. Would have loved even more of her as a child, though.

Then there is Po. Who is just my favorite character of all time. He makes me smile every time I read about him. Well, smile or cry. He is just the best. We get to know so much about him, yet not enough. I would have loved to read about him in his castle in Lienid. But oh, how I loved to read about him talking about it all. Sigh. Po is kind. And loving. And strong. And he's also kind of broken. And it just broke my heart so many times. Just made me love him more, though. I loved reading about his Grace. Sigh.

There are many characters in Graceling. Won't mention them all. But oh, I loved Raffin. He is adorable. And gah. I hated Giddon, to be honest. Though I seem to remember that I liked him better in Bitterblue. We'll see. And Randa! He was so evil, yet nothing compared to Leck. Sigh. Not sure how to feel about them. Just, hate. Then there is little adorable Bitterblue. I really liked her. But felt so sorry for her and oh. I hated what happened with her mother. It just wasn't fair and I wished it hadn't happened.

There is just so many things in this book. So many things happening. And so much to love. I loved reading about the part where they cross the mountain. And fight with the lion. It was awesome. I hated reading about the horse which fell into the water along with someone else. So heartbreaking yet all kinds of perfect. I both hated and loved reading about the cabin in the woods. I hated that so much time passed, but I couldn't really hate it because I understood it so well and there was just no way around it.

But mostly I loved the romance. Between Katsa and Po. It's very sweet and real and honest. It's a bit brutal at times. I loved when they fought together. It was amazing to read about. Sigh. I just loved every moment of them together. First their growing friendship. It was so sweet. I loved it. And then the romance happened. And it happened in such a real way. I just loved it to pieces. Just, I wish there had been even more of them together. Though we do get a lot and I loved it so much. They are the best.

That is all I will say of Graceling this time. It's a beautiful book. And it will always be my favorite book. The writing is gorgeous. The world amazing. The characters perfectly flawed. I loved every moment of re-reading this book. And I cannot wait to do it again. Just, oh, how I wish for a fourth book with Katsa and Po. I need more of them. Even just outtakes from the book. That would be the best. But anyway. Graceling is perfect and you all need to read it. Included a couple of awesome teasers below. <3


She stared at the checked pattern of her marble floor and wondered how she could feel so desolate that her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't remember crying, not once in her life. Not until this fool Lienid had come to her court, and lied to her, and then announced that he was leaving.


A tear made an icy track down his face. When Katsa went to him and dropped down before him, he let her come; the fight had gone out of him and he let her in. Katsa's arms came around him. He pulled Katsa against him, practically smothered her with his grip, and cried into her neck. She held him, simply held him, and touched him, and kissed his cold face.


Book rec of Graceling. Book rec of Fire. Book rec of Bitterblue.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Many who say that this book is very good. I've never read it. Maybe I will have time to read it sometime next year :)

  2. Can you believe I still haven't read this one? I have read FIRE. So reading the series way out of order :)

  3. I can't believe you have the time to re-read. Lol. Anyway, so happy you loved it the second time around. :)


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