
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cress Tuesday #6

After having read Cress I got this idea that I wanted to share a small Cress teaser with you all every Tuesday this year. I will not share which page the teasers are from, and I will not share any spoilers. Just want to share some amazing things to get you all more excited for Cress; because it is amazing. <3 So every tuesday here on my blog will be a Cress Tuesday. I'm pretty excited about it :D Hope you enjoy.
The teasers are from my ARC copy of Cress and may not be the same in the finished copy. <3


Somehow, thought Cinder knew she was at the center of it all, she couldn't help feel disconnected from the camaraderie, the friendships that had been forged over years of being part of one community. And soon, she would be leaving. Maybe, someday, even returning to Luna.


Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, interesting! Damn, I so can't wait for this one! Thanks for sharing, Carina!


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