
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fire by Kristin Cashore

I just cannot believe how amazing these books by Kristin are. I think I just read Fire for the third time. Most likely. Though like Graceling, it has been 13 months since the last time I read it. But oh. How much I still love it. Sometimes I could swear I loved it more than Graceling. But I cannot compare them. Because while they are very much alike they are also so different. And my love for them both is the same, I think. So yes. These two books will always be my two favorite books. I couldn't be happier.

Fire is such a beautiful book. The writing is stunning, just like in Graceling. I just love the way Kristin writes. But oh, the story in this book. It's beyond heartbreaking. So many awful things happen. So many things that broke my heart. But by the end I was mostly happy. I was pleased with the ending. But so heartbroken over some things that happened before the ending. I just can't deal with all the feelings this book gave me. The story is told so well that I could not help loving all of it. Even all the bad parts.

I don't know how to talk about this book. I loved it so, so much. It's beautiful. So beautiful and perfect. The book is told from the point of view of seventeen year old Fire. And oh, how I loved her. Fire is amazing to read about. She's so strong and kind and loving. But also so broken. Sigh. Fire is the last human monster in the Dells. Won't say more than that. Just that it is amazing to read about and unique and all kinds of perfect. It is sort of a prequel to Graceling. Which I loved even more. So perfect.

It is a prequel to Graceling because it happens almost 30 years before Graceling begins. We get to read a bit about Leck's childhood. And I just cannot believe how evil that man was. And how cruel he was as a child. The things he did.. I'm not sure I will ever forget it. But oh, he was also a perfect villain. I kind of loved reading about him, because he fascinated me. But I hated him. I hated him like crazy. And now I am dreading re-reading Bitterblue a tiny bit, as I know even more awful things about him. Sigh.

I don't know how to describe this book. I won't talk much of the plot. The book is just perfect. Fire is an amazing read. Such a great Fantasy book. And I adored it. So much. There is just so much happening in this yet never enough. I did not want this book to end and I just wish I could live inside the heads of these characters forever. I adored them all. There is a bit of war in this. And I kind of loved it. It was well done. And oh! The raptors. And monsters. So amazing to read about. So unique and perfect.

There are some amazing characters in this book. And I loved them all. For the most part. Fire I loved the most. Because she's so adorable and soft at heart. I also kind of loved reading about her dead father. He did some awful things. And most of the time I hated him. But he truly loved Fire. And I liked that a lot. I know why Fire did as she did, but it did break my heart a tiny bit. As I do think I would have enjoyed reading about Cansrel. But oh, the things we learn about him were awful. Yet I loved it all.

Fire has a best friend; Archer. I'm still conflicted about him, despite having read this book three times. At times I adored him, like Fire did. But most of the time I hated him because he did do some awful things as well. He and Fire have been lovers for a couple of years now. He wants more, though I think that has a lot to do with Fire's power, but she does not. But she loves his friendship. And I do think they make good friends. If he would stop being so jealous and hurtful with his words. Wish he was kinder.

But I didn't fully hate him. I think. Yeah, I don't know. I wish he had been a better person, but at the same time I don't, because I never wanted him and Fire to be more than friends. I hated that he slept with so many women. How can he claim to love Fire, yet sleep with so many? Did not approve. But he did have some moments of kindness. And he did not deserve what happened to him at the end. He did not. It broke my heart so much. Yet it was done in such an amazing and heartbreaking way that I loved it.

Then there is my favorite male person. Prince Brigan. He is very interesting to read about. Because he is very cold towards Fire. And I loved reading about their relationship and how it got better. Just, wish there had been so much more. Sigh. But anyway. Reading about Brigan's life broke my heart. It was so heartbreaking. Yet I could not help but loving it, because I do love a broken boy. He has a daughter; Hanna. I loved reading about her so much. She's adorable and she stands up for what she think is right.

Anyway. I can't talk about all the characters because that would take ages. Just, know that this book has some of the best characters. And the worst. The plot and story is amazing. I just couldn't stop reading it once I started re-reading it today. Fire is beautiful and heartbreaking and I will always remember it. There is some amazing romance in it too. Though not too much, which made me a bit sad. But there is enough. And it is good. Sigh. I need more books by Kristin Cashore. Now you must go read Fire :)


"Then come here," he said, a bit redundantly, as he had already pulled her with him into an armchair and curled her up in his arms. "Tell me what I can do to help you feel better." Fire looked into his quiet eyes, touched his dear, familiar face, and considered the question. Well, I always like when you kiss me.
"Do you?" You're good at it. "Well," he said. "That's lucky, because I'll always be kissing you."


Some people had too much power and too much cruelty to live. Some people were too terrible, no matter if you loved them; no matter that you had to make yourself terrible too, in order to stop them.
Some things just had to be done.


New Graceling blog post. Book rec of Fire. Book rec of Bitterblue.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I loved Fire as well, more than Graceling. i didn't want Archer for Fire but I felt bad for him and I think the reason he slept with so many girls is because he knew Fire never truly loved him. Great review, Carina. :)

  2. I didn't read your review Carina, as I'm planning on starting Graceling tomorrow. But after seeing you tweet about it earlier on and your 5 star rating of this, I'm sure I'm going to have a fantastic reading experience with these books!


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