
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wings of Arian Blog Tour: Guest Post with Devri Walls + Giveaway

Today I'm taking part in the blog tour for Wings of Arian by Devri Walls :) I have not yet read the book, but I think it sounds pretty awesome. Hoping to have a chance to try it pretty soon. Anyway. Today I'm having a guest post with the author and I hope you all enjoy it :D Thank you Donna at Book Passion For Life for letting me be a part of this tour. <3 And thank you Devri for the amazing post :)

Guest Post with Devri Walls :)
I get asked two questions all the time. How do you find time to write? And, how do you come up with this stuff?

Anyone who knows me always asks how I find the time. It’s a common question because I am the mother of two kids, I have a husband with a very odd work schedule, I own and teach at my own preschool, I teach voice lessons and write novels. Ya, it’s a lot. Too much if we are being honest. I discovered a few years ago that I loved writing, and once I discovered it I couldn’t stop. I really, really can’t. If we are talking and my eyes glaze over there is a good chance that I started running storyline in my head.

Since I can’t stop, I made time. Anyone can make time for anything that is important enough to them. I clearly can’t create time out of thin air. ( Which is totally unfair. Why oh why can’t I be a Time Lord?) I had to make time the good old fashioned way. I shoved things off my plate and onto the floor, and slid writing on. My car is…well… not clean. Let’s leave it at that. The laundry is ignored until my son comes out in dirty jeans and when I tell him to go put on clean ones, he tells me there are none. ( I should not admit these things!) I don’t watch that much T.V. and most of my free time is spent in front of a laptop. It’s not glamorous or awe inspiring, but that’s how I do it.

How do I come up with this stuff? I write fantasy, epic style fantasy full of epically awesome creatures. And my answer is (drum roll please)….. I got nothing. I don’t know. It just comes out! What I really want to say is, “I don’t know. How do you do math?” We are all wired so differently and look at the world through such different filters. Mine has always been twisted in a fantastical bigger than life way. But, give me an algebra book and my brain short circuits.

About Wings of Arian.

Kiora thought she had never heard a lie until she was sixteen. But she was wrong. Her entire existence was based on nothing but. She thought that evil did not exist. Lie. That magic was not real. Lie. And that the land of Meros was all there was. One more lie.

With Aleric telling her that evil is knocking on the door and that she is the only one who can stop them she has a choice to make. Refuse, or start the wildest most painful ride of her life.

She reluctantly dips her toe into her new existence of magic and threads, dragons and shapeshifters, and the person who wants to take control of it all: the evil Dralazar.

However, this journey was never meant to be hers alone. She will be accompanied by a Protector. To her disbelief, and utter irritation they name the hotheaded, stubborn, non-magical, (albeit gorgeous) Prince Emane. They will have to trust each other with their lives, but right now Kiora would settle for a non hostile conversation.

And now it comes down to this, If you had never heard a lie, would you know when you heard one? Is knowing good from evil innate? Kiora finds herself having to decide who lives and who dies on those very questions.

Where to find Devri Walls and her books:
Devri Walls lives in Kuna Idaho with her husband and two kids. She has worked as a music teacher and currently, a preschool teacher. She majored in theater and her love of a story still drives her today. Thankfully, she has finally found an outlet for all the voices in her head.


  1. Thanks so much for having me, Carina! I have been trying to find you on Twitter and am not having much luck, most likely because I am a dork. ;)

  2. I have seen this book around and let's face it - It's hard to miss this cover. Great guest post! :) Thanks for sharing this Carina :)

    Tanja @ Ja Ĩitam, a ti?


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