
Saturday, December 7, 2013

In My Mailbox #110

I think this has been a pretty good week. I'm exhausted all the time, but I'm not hurting too much. So that is good. And I got to re-read Graceling and Fire. <3 Currently re-reading Bitterblue; think I will finish it tomorrow :) As I'm getting distracted all the time. Grrr. Anyway. I got a few awesome things this week. <3 Though I keep spending more money than what I have :\ Which is depressing. I need to stop buying things. Soon. Maybe. Anyway. I'm still missing so much, which is breaking my heart a little. But hoping it will arrive soon. *Fingers crossed.* I also took part in a blog tour this week :D In case you missed it. <3 Oh, and I read These Broken Stars too. Oh, and shared an excerpt from Proxy :D
Which I am hoping to find time to read pretty soon. What did you get in the mail this week?

Frozen. The Art of Frozen. <3 So gorgeous. Another pretty Frozen book :) Sigh, dying for the movie.
Rebel Spring. Finally got this gorgeous book :D Been dying to read it for ages. Reading soon. <3
Don't Close Your Eyes. I adore Lisa's MG series, so I wanted to try this one too :) Pretty cover.
Let The Sky Fall. Gorgeous new pink paperback cover. <3 I love it. The book is amazing as well :)
The Diviners. The new paperback. With teaser for book 2! Which made me so angry/sad :(
Wreck-It Ralph. Since it is Disney Classics, I needed it in Norwegian DVD format as well. <3
The Croods. Same with this one, though it isn't Disney, but it is so good that I need all the editions.
Tinker Bell. I had bought three of Tinker Bell a while ago, but missed the first one. Now have it :)
Lady and the Tramp. Have them in Blu-ray, but wanted the dvd versions. <3 Such gorgeous movies.
Bel Ami. Hih, yeah, I did not own this as a Norwegian dvd (A) Bought a lot of it on sale, though.
Disney Infinity. Got them on sale, a little bit cheaper here in Norway than usual :D And though I have yet to play the game.. I am going to. Soon. Sigh. These figures are just GORGEOUS. I love them all.

Altered. Gorgeous new paperback edition :) I pretty much love it. So pretty. The book is awesome.
Captain America. Have yet to see this movie, so I had to buy it. Hoping it might be a bit good :)
X-Men. All of them on blu-ray :D And the newest Wolverine, which I have yet to see. Soon. <3
Antigoddess. Thank you Kendare :D GORGEOUS bookmark + bookplate. <3 Love love love.

Peeta. I just had to get this Hunger Games barbie. <3 He is pretty gorgeous, yes? And expensive.
Disney Infinity. Closer look at my gorgeous figures. <3 I am in love with them all. So pretty.

ARCs from Edelweiss. I need to read them all pretty soon, as I am so so excited for them all :)
The Cabinet of Curiosities. DYING to read this awesome middle grade book :D Starting soon.
After the End. I think this book sounds pretty amazing so I'm hoping it will be so. Excited to read :)
The Murder Complex. Been excited for this one for a while now; hoping it will be amazing :D
The Falconer. Had to request this one :D Seen people like it. Hope I will too. Sounds good. <3
The Castle Behind Thorns. I liked the summary and cover for this one; really hoping it is good :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. What a lovely haul!! That paperback of Let The Sky Fall is so pretty! I think I'll have to get it myself!

    I'm so envious of you getting After The End and THe Murder Complex! I also got super lucky and got The Falconer! My first approved request from Edelweiss!!

  2. I'm in love with the Disney infinite figures <3 The castle behind thorns & The murder complex are two books I also got from Edelweiss! Look so good :D Happy reading!

  3. Very nice. I like all your figurines. I got Rebel Spring as well this week. Those Harper Titles were just too good to pass up. Come visit me as well.


  4. After the End and The Murder Complex are both on my TBR! They sounds fantastic!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  5. Wow, that Peeta doll is unreal. I haven't seen those before. He looks as though he's the giant leader of a Disney dance troupe.

    Thank you for sharing, their adorable!

  6. Wow so many great things. Lucky you :)

  7. Yay book! And Frozen goodies. So much goodness. I requested The Falconer but haven't heard back. The dreaded pending. ugh. I can't wait to see what you think of it! Hopefully you read it sooner than later. As you know, I just read Rebel Spring--I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  8. I'm currently reading Rebel Spring...there's a few things I don't like, but overall I am enjoying it. I've been wanting to download After the End, but I'm not sure about it. Think I'll wait and see what you think of it!

  9. Don't close your eyes looks good, hope you enjoy!

  10. Love the Hunger Games doll, it looks so awesome. I have yet to see Frozen but have not heard one negative thing about it yet, seems like it is the new Tangled :)


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