
Saturday, November 16, 2013

In My Mailbox #107

I'm not sure how to talk about this week. It's been awful. My stomach is the worst and I've just not been feeling good at all. I didn't get too much this week, but I got some pretty books. <3 I was also at the hospital getting more medicine a few days ago, which was good, but holy crap, my stomach is feeling worse right now, not better. Hoping it will pass. Anyway. What did you get in the mail this week? <3

Frigid. Heh, another book by Jennifer (A) Though I have yet to read anything by her. Soon, though :)
Divergent + Insurgent. Gorgeous "Adult" editions. But, is there on of Allegiant too? Can't find it.
Crash Into You. Gorgeous bookmark and ribbon that I got from Katie :D Thank you. <3 Love them.
Veronica Mars. I was a part of the kickstarter project :) So excited. This t-shirt is gorgeous. Stickers :D
Champion. Another different edition of it. <3 A bigger paperback. And I think it is very gorgeous.
Shades of Earth. Pretty paperback edition. I have all three of the new paperback covers. <3 Love them.
Warm Bodies. I didn't own this movie yet, and it's been some time since I saw it. Loved it, though :)
Silver Lining 's Playbook. Bought on sale with first movie. I think it seems like a good movie; hope so.
The Host. Heh, not sure when I will watch this one as I'm not sure I will like it. But, I'm hoping.

Frozen. A few more Frozen books, hih. <3 Just had to get them. And they are so pretty. Sigh.

Angry Birds. Had to get these :D It's from the Mash'Em series. And I love love these so much.
Cat. Hih, got this while I was in another town a few days ago. <3 It is adorable and I love it.
How To Train Your Dragon. Gorgeous Toothless and Stormfly. <3 Going to order all of them :)

I got invited by Macmillan Kids to read The Winner's Curse via Netgalley. <3 I cannot wait! Think it sounds awesome and I really hope I will love it. Reading it pretty soon, I hope. Thank you so much Ksenia. <3 You are the best.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Ooo, nice, Champion! I hope you love that one. And the foreign covers of Roth's books are simple and pretty!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I love this versions of Divergent. The covers are great! I hope you'll feel better soon, Carina.

  3. So jelly that you got an invite for The Winner's Curse, but hope you love it. It sounds really good. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  4. I hope you feel better soon <3 I love the adult covers from Divergent!

  5. aww I hope you feel better Carina, stomach pains are the worst :(

    Also, fantastic book haul! aaah i'm so excited for Veronica Mars!! and the divergent adult editions are BEAUTIFUL!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Frigid is amazing! Hope you love it. And I hope you read JLA's books soon, lol :)
    The Champion paperback is so pretty! I need to get one ASAP so I can finally read the book. I got the Crash into You and Dare You To bookmarks as well a couple weeks ago, they're lovely <3
    Happy reading, Carina!

  7. Loved Frigid and hope you do too, and hope you feel better!

  8. Veronica Mars! I so need to re-watch my favourite seasons when I have time. I'm definitely looking forward to the movie. I also can't wait to see what you think of The Winner's Curse. I've heard really good things about it already. Enjoy! And I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Woah, I've never seen those editions of Divergent before!! Really cool. And awesome Veronica Mars t-shirt!

  10. I can't wait to read Winner's Curse, either! Oh I really enjoyed the movie Silver Linings Playbook,... have read the book, but the movie was great!

  11. Ooh, you always have the most fun hauls! :) I love love love Warm Bodies and The Silver Linings Playbook; those will be fun to watch. And I am so jealous about The Winner's Curse. I bet you're going to LOVE it!! Happy reading!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  12. I love your covers for Divergent and Insurgent! So pretty. :)

  13. So sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are feeling better! You still got more in your mailbox than I did! Insurgent and Divergent have such cool covers! Fascinating. :)


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