
Friday, November 15, 2013

Review: Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira

When I downloaded this book via Netgalley, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. But I had to give it a try, because that cover is so gorgeous. And then I started reading this yesterday. And it was amazing. I loved it so much, though I had a couple of small issues with it. But mostly I really loved and enjoyed this book. 

I will not post spoilers in my review. Except for a few near the end, but with a warning first. So anyway. I really liked this book. At first I was unsure of the writing, since the main character, Laurel, is writing letters to dead people. Most of whom I did not know.. but anyway. The whole book is like that. 

And I really loved it. Because the writing is good and it does feel just like a normal written book, because Laurel writes about everything, mostly. I liked that it was written like many letters. Even without knowing who most of them were, hih. But it was creative and interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. Plus, the writing is really good. I loved it. Which is always a plus :)

I'm not sure how to talk about this book. The writing is stunning, like I said, and the characters are amazing. The story is pretty awesome too. We get to know a lot about Laurel and her life with her dad and her Aunt Amy. We learn about her relationship with her mother, and oh, that was a bit heartbreaking. I didn't like her mother much. I did understand that she too was heartbroken, but still. Don't think I could have forgiven her for moving away from Laurel after the accident. It just wasn't fair.

You see, Laurel's older sister, May, just died. And we learn why and how and it broke my heart. But oh, how I loved it. It was done really well and real. Laurel really loved May. They were the bestest friends and I loved that. But, May also did some bad things. Laurel probably didn't know it all until later, but still. I wish we had gotten to know that side of May. She seemed really interesting. But, I also hated her a bit. For the things that happened to Laurel because of her. Heartbreak. So much. But also very good.

There is a lot of things happening in this book. I won't talk about it all. Just that it is a beautiful story but so painful and heartbreaking. Yet I may have wished for more heartbreak. I'm evil like that. Just, I want heartbreak with a romance. I think that the couple should be able to stay together. But anyway. There are so many amazing characters in this book and I enjoyed them all so so much. Sky is the best. He's sweet and so cute. He has a tough life and those parts broke my heart. But he's still amazing.

Laurel also get some really amazing friends in this book. Hannah and Natalie were amazing. I loved reading about them so much because they have their own story. And it was so good and sweet and so damn heartbreaking. Sigh. But I loved it. And Tristan and Kristen. They were amazing as well. I just enjoyed reading about them all and I really enjoyed this story. Wish there had been even more, though. The story is done really well. As is all the characters. There is some romance and it's perfect. Mostly :)

I have decided to give this book a four point five star. Or a four star. I'm not sure. For the most part I really loved it. But then close to the end, something happened that I did not enjoy and it broke my heart a bit. So, a few spoilers. I hated that Laurel didn't tell Sky what was going on. Because she was so broken, and he too, so he broke up with her. I hated it. But I understood him. I wanted her to share it with him, and she didn't. They were apart for weeks. Which is why this was not a five star book for me.

Continue with the spoilers. That was the part I hated. Even though I understood it, I did not approve of it at all. I hate it when the couple is apart for stupid reasons. And Laurel not trusting Sky enough was a stupid reason. Weeks went by. With Sky kissing someone else. Which I did get, because he was alone. With no one. Laurel had her friends. Even her dad. Sky had no one and it broke my heart. I just wish there had been a little bit more love for him, since I felt the book focused more on Laurel's issues.

Anyway. That is what I had to say about this book :D No more spoilers. While I disliked that part, I loved the rest of the book. Because the beginning is amazing. The end is good too. Though I really wish to know what happens next. I would love to read a sequel; to read more of Laurel and Sky and Hannah and Natalie. Ohh, and Tristan and Kristen too. I really hope they make it together. So anyway. I thought Love Letters to the Dead was an amazing book. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. I really did love it a lot.

Thank you so much to Macmillan Kids and Netgalley for the chance to read and review Love Letters to the Dead early. <3 I'm so glad I read it. And I will be ordering a hardcover, because I need to own my own copy of this gorgeous book. I think you should all read this book when it comes out on April 1st. <3


  1. It is one of those. I don't know if I can get through those parts. Sigh.

  2. Glad it was good writing and you enjoyed

  3. Sounds like a very good book if a bit hard to read on the emotional side! I hope I'll be in a better place emotionally by April so I'll be able to read it without wrecking myself too much!
    Great review, Carina!

  4. Glad to hear this was pleasant surprise for you Carina. It does sound like an emotionally moving story. Wonderful review! :)

  5. I wasn't sure about this one, but I think I might give it a go now. The part you mentioned about the mc and the love interest does sound heartbreaking, but it good to know that it ends well. Great review!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've been staring at this screen for way too long, trying to figure out how I could possibly do this book justice with my review. Love Letters to the Dead is the kind of book that I loved so much, that spoke to me in such a personal way, that I don't even know how to talk about it. All I know is that it was perfect, and that everyone needs to read it.

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