
Monday, November 18, 2013

Review: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Books like this one is what I crave. Books like The Winner's Curse is what I wish I could be reading all the time. Because I loved it so much. I knew from the very first page that I loved the writing. And then I knew that I loved the main character and story. This book was just all kinds of beautiful and perfect.

I started reading it this afternoon and I could not stop until I had finished it. It was just so good. I was interested in what was happening at all times. I loved the writing all the time as well. The writing was beautiful. Just the way I like it. And it had the most amazing characters. I adored and hated them all.

I'm not sure how to describe my love for this book. The gorgeous writing. The amazing characters. The stunning world created. Or, all the heartbreak. The slow and painful romance. The betrayals. That awful and kind of perfect ending. I loved every part of this book. Even those who broke my heart. Which surprised me a bit, since I'm usually not a fan of heartbreak.

But the heartbreak in this was done really well and not in that usual way where the authors create love triangles. No triangle in this book. Thank god. There is some drama, but not like some other books I have read. Considering this is a Fantasy book. And it's just so perfect. Sigh. I can't get over how much I enjoyed it. So thankful that I got an eARC of it. There will be no spoilers in my review. Though I'm not sure the review will be very long, as there isn't that much more I can say about it, without spoiling it :)

The Winner's Curse is told from two different point of views. First there is Kestrel, daughter of a general. She's amazing. I just loved her so much. She has a few faults, but I did not dislike her because of them. She has a pretty amazing life. She has this huge mansion sort of house. And I kind of loved reading about it. Sigh. Though I do not approve of slaves, they were interesting to read about. I hated that Kestrel's mom was dead. Broke my heart. But oh, I loved her love of music. It was so amazing.

I just loved reading about Kestrel's life. She was an amazing main character and I adored her. I loved reading about her friends as well. Like Jess and Ronan. They were sweet and they were true friends. Like when this scandal thing happened. People turned their backs on her and that broke my heart. But those two never did. So yeah, I pretty much adored them. Though I'm happy that Kestrel didn't seem to like Ronan like Ronan loved her. That made me happy. Though I'm sad for him, because he was great.

The other point of view in this book is from Arin. And oh. I really loved him too. He was amazing and I adored him. But seriously. He keeps a lot of secrets and he does some things I thought were really stupid. But I also couldn't truly blame him, because his life was so sad and it broke my heart. But oh, he is an amazing person, despite the lies. I loved reading about the slow romance between him and Kestrel. Just, wish there was more. Sobs. But it was also just so perfect and honest and I adored it to pieces.

I'm not sure what else I should say about this book. It was perfect. So much happens. There is a lot of deaths. Those broke my heart a bit. But I also loved them. The story in this book is beautiful and heartbreaking. It was always exciting. The romance was so sweet. I just really loved everything in this book. But yes. Heartbreak. So much of it. And kind of evil ending. I'm dying for book two. Dying. Anyway. Most of the characters in this book were amazing. But some were so evil. Grrr. Still, loved it.

I'm so glad that I read The Winner's Curse. But also so depressed that I don't have a gorgeous print ARC of it. But still. I cannot wait to get my hardcover of it when it comes out in March. It will be gorgeous, I just know it. Because the cover is so pretty, I think. Sigh. This book was just amazing and you all need to read it. You really do. Thank you so, so much to Macmillan Kids and Ksenia for the chance to read and review The Winner's Curse via Netgalley. <3 Meant so much to me. And I'm so happy that I read it :)

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I am so dying to read this! I'm tempted to go ahead and put in a request. Eeeep. This sounds so good!

  2. I loved every word of The Winner's Curse. I don't know how I'll write a review since I'll just have to repeat perfect and wonderful over and over. I loved it and can't wait for the next book. One of my favorites for sure.

  3. Oh I'm so excited you liked this one--it makes me want to move it up my TBR list. I have an ecopy, so I'm definitely going to check it out soon. Thanks for the review.

    YA Sisterhood

  4. I'm so excited for this one! I'm gonna be eagerly awaiting it coming out and will probably be preordering a HC of it!

  5. I am sure this one will be coming in the mail to you in March- since you always have the best mailbox deliveries. :)

    This book sounds AMAZING! The fact that you wish you had books like this one to read all the time says so much. Added it to my list!

  6. Your review makes me really excited about this one! I definitely know I'll be preordering it now. And I'm so relieved that there's no love triangle! Thanks for sharing, Carina. :)


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