
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #75

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

"Find Me." These are the words written on Tessa Waye's diary. The diary that ends up with Wick Tate. But Tessa's just been found...dead.

Wick has the right computer-hacking skills for the job, but little interest in this perverse game of hide-and-seek. Until her sister Lily is the next target. Then Griff, trailer-park boy next door and fellow hacker, shows up, intent on helping Wick.

Is a happy ending possible with the threat of Wick's deadbeat dad returning, the detective hunting him sniffing around Wick instead, and a killer taunting her at every step?

Foster child. Daughter of a felon. Loner hacker girl. Wick has a bad attitude and sarcasm to spare.

But she's going to find this killer no matter what.

Because it just got personal.

Hardcover, 253 pages
Expected publication: September 24th 2013 by Harper Teen
Pre-Order here.

I think this book sounds pretty amazing. I kind of love the cover, and the summary is interesting ;) I love thrillers. And I hope this book will be amazing and creepy and just perfect. And because I kind of really need a good romance, I'm hoping that will be in this book too :) Cannot wait for September! <3
What are you waiting for? 


  1. I think the cover is pretty cool! I like the sound of this book, too, though the synopsis seems a little disjointed. Still, I'm looking forward to meeting Wick and her bad attitude. ;) Great pick, Carina! There are so many great books releasing in September, it seems. I can't wait for it to get here! :)

  2. Oohh I haven't heard of this one but it sounds very intriguing! I love mystery/thriller books so I'm definitely looking out for this one now!
    Awesome pick :D

    My WoW

  3. I hope that this is finally a real creepy book. I've been wanting to read something scary for a long time, but from what I've read in reviews is that most YA thrillers lately have been disappointing (wow, long sentence!) Great pick Carina :D


  4. I love your WoW posts I always come across new books to add to my tbr! Hehe, great pic. ^^

  5. Very intriguing looking book... The cover tells a lot and so does the plot.

  6. Sounds great. I really like the sound of this one and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I already have the book on my to-read list. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  7. Awesome cover and blurb! Enjoy...and thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  8. I haven't heard of this... but OMG this sounds good!!!!
    New Follower <3!
    Beth | The Reading Vixens [Formerly YA Vixens]
    Vixen's WoW!

  9. I love a good thriller and this one sounds like it will be perfect. I agree with you on that cover, very interesting. Thanks for bringing this on to my attention!

    My WoW

  10. Oh my gosh, yes! This one looks so good, and I absolutely love the cover!

    My WoW

  11. This sounds great! How haven't I heard of it before?? Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW!

  12. I don't want to be mean but what kind of name is Wick? It makes me think of a candle. But as an older sister, I adore books about older sisters doing anything to protect their younger sisters so I definitely want to check this out!

  13. I think the cover is so cool! I think this book sounds really good and very intriguing! Thanks for letting me know about this one! I am looking forward to it now, too. :)

  14. Hi! I am so late to the party, but thank you SO MUCH for featuring FIND ME!! If anyone wants a sneak peek, I have the first three chapters up on my website (try before you buy, right? :))

    Thank you again!!

    1. Hi :D You are very welcome! <3 I cannot wait to read it :) Ohh, will check those out ;) Thank you :D


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