
Friday, March 22, 2013

Impostor Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jill Hathaway

I'm a part of the Impostor by Jill Hathaway blog tour today :D Really excited about that. I haven't yet read Slide, but I cannot wait to, since I do own it, and I have pre-ordered Impostor :) Will be reading both books when Impostor comes out. Cannot wait. Anyway. I'm having a guest post with Jill, where she talks about what she is working on right now :D Thank you, Jill. <3 Have any of you read Slide yet? :)


The question I am most frequently asked: Will there be a SLIDE #3?
Short answer? I don’t think so.

I am contracted to write a couple more books for HarperCollins, but I’m currently working on something completely different from SLIDE. For one thing, this book is not a paranormal. It's actually a contemporary, which I feel is my strong suit. Don’t worry. People still die. There’s plenty of drama and angst. I don’t think I’m capable of writing a “cute” book.

The important thing is I’m definitely in love with this story. The main character is just so broken and seemingly hopeless, but there’s this little spark of fire within her. It’s been a pleasure getting to know her. This is also my first multiple POV book, which I'm super stoked about. It's been challenging trying to get the different voices right, and that's one of things I'm focusing on in my revision. The main character is in this band (Who Killed My Sea Monkeys?), and we hear the story told from different members of the band. The story explores tragedy and betrayal and the death of dreams and many more uplifting themes!

As far as I know, this book is slated for Fall 2014. I’m not exaaaaactly sure when I’m allowed to give more details about it. Check my blog for updates! ( I'll keep you posted.

Slide on Goodreads. Impostor on Goodreads.

Buy Slide and Impostor via Amazon.

Buy Slide and Impostor via Book Depository.

All things Jill Hathaway:
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1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to reading Slide too. It'll be interesting to see what Jill publishes next.


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