
Saturday, March 23, 2013

In My Mailbox #73

I haven't been able to read anything since I finished Clockwork Princess. There is just nothing that can ever be that good. Sigh. Have tried to read two books, but couldn't with the writing :\ But today I got 17 & Gone, and I WILL read it :) Tomorrow. This weekend I'm re-watching Game of Thrones season 1 and 2. <3 So so good. I cannot wait for season 3 next weekend :D I hope I will be able to read more. But it's hard, because I'm still in so much pain and tired all the time :p it sucks. Also so busy playing on my iPad; Jurassic Park Builder :) I love love it. And The Croods. Hih. Adore them :) What did you get this week?

17 & Gone. I cannot wait to read this book. I know I will love it, therefore I have two copies. <3
Unremembered. Heh. I now have three (A) Only bought one, though. Second copy I got for free because my first was really damaged. Third I got from Macmillan because I was part of the blog tour. <3
Clockwork Prince. Paperback edition :) Cause, well, I adore Cassie Clare, need all the editions ;)
The Scorpio Races. Oh. This is one of the best books. Gorgeous new paperback! I love it so much.
Clockwork Princess. Best book by Cassie Clare. Sigh. How I adore her. Clockwork Princess was just amazing; posted my review a week ago ;p One hardcover. Getting another one (A) And two UK paperbacks. They are so pretty! Love the family tree inside the UK edition, so special and gorgeous.

The Art of the Croods. Oh, I love this one so much! So sad my town won't get it in English :'( Want it.
The Croods. Pretty hardcover ;) With GORGEOUS tattoos as well! I love them very much. So pretty.
Nausicaa. I need all Studio Ghibli manga books. <3 I love the movie, and these are pretty gorgeous :)
The Man in the Moon. Love this one! Really hoping to read the Rise of the Guardians books soon.
The Immortal Rules: Allie! Ahh. Bought from Julie Kagawa :D She is amazing. Thank you. I love her :)
Naturals. Still haven't read the first book.. but kind of obsessed about having all the books in a series.
The Madness Underneath. I didn't truly love the first book, but I will read this one. One day, I hope :D
Prometheus. I hope this is a good movie. It does seem really good, and I do think I will love it. I hope.
Rise of the Guardians. This movie is just amazing. I really love it. Gorgeous hopping eggs, too ;)
Totoro t-shirt. Oh, how I love these t-shirts. <3 Gorgeous! From Qwertee :) One new t-shirt every day.

I also got accepted to read Charmed Vengeancevia NetGalley :D I cannot wait to read it. <3 Since I did enjoy the first book very much :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. 17 & Gone sounds interesting! I love the creepy cover. :) Enjoy!

  2. Looks like you got some awesome books. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. You are lucky:) Many greats stuff:) Love the cover on clockwork prince and clockwork princess:)

  4. The Clockwork Princess has such a pretty cover! I hope 17 and Gone is good! Looks like you got lots of amazing goodies again this week. :) Enjoy! <3

  5. hahaha you and the multiple copies of books! :P
    I haven't read the infernal devices but my sister is in love with it so I am going to be picking it up soon!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. amazing haul. I can't wait to read Clockwork Princess. I'm obsessed with the first two books in that series so I know this 3rd will also ruin me with it's awesomeness, haha.

    happy reading!

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  7. I'm pretty sure your house must be a library now, given how many multiple copies you buy. :D Though I know I'll love 17 & Gone, too! I just ordered a copy yesterday and can't wait for it to arrive. It sounds brilliant. And it's been so hard for me to concentrate after Clockwork Princess... All I can think about is the last two characters doing what they were doing before it ended. That image won't leave me alone!

    1. Hah! lol, yeahh, it probably is ;D but I would never let anyone else read my books, I'm weird like that :p I'm just really, really careful with my books :) <3 Ahh, yes! Grrr. I kind of really hated that last part of Clockwork Princess :( but oh. Yeah. The book was amazing, still, I think :)

  8. I have to agree with Sam, your house must have look like a library now. I can see how much you love the Infernal Devices series just by your copies. Haha! 17 & Gone does sound really fantastic and I hope that after your epic reading experience with CP2 you'd be able to enjoy this book too. Have fun with all these awesome goodies, Carina. Happy reading! :)

  9. After seeing how much you love the Infernal Devices series, I definitely think I need to get Clockwork Princess and read all three straight through! You got some great stuff this week! Enjoy!

  10. I still haven't read Princess but want to. Happy reading.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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