
Monday, March 25, 2013

Review: 17 & Gone by Nova Ren Suma

Have been waiting to read 17 & Gone for so many months. Been dying for it for ages. Because I adore Nova, and I was so sure this book would be perfect :) And today I finally got to read it. And yes. This book is perfect. It is amazing. The writing is really good, and the characters are perfect. The story is unique and interesting and I loved it. Never wanted it to end. While there doesn't have to be a sequel, I really wish there might be, because I want more of Lauren and Jamie. <3 And maybe Fiona.

I don't know how to describe this book. I will try my best, though, but I don't think my review will be long, since I don't want to spoil anything, and there isn't that much I can say about this awesome book without spoiling a whole lot of things ;) But I can talk a bit about the plot and the characters. I will do that.

First there is the main character, Lauren. She's amazing. I loved her. Well, okay, she ends up turning all kinds of crazy. Maybe. But she is amazing, and I loved reading about her. The book is from her point of view. Although for more than one hundred pages I was a bit confused about how the book was written. I liked it, though, and I did love reading from Lauren's point of view. She's special. And she's an amazing character, which I loved :)

Lauren have a boyfriend. Jamie. I loved him. Although I felt like we got to see him too little.. but the book isn't about him, so I can understand that. Somewhat. But I did love reading what we did get of him. Because he is amazing. Lauren pushes him away at some point, and he lets her, but I didn't blame him for that. But he's still really kind and sweet, and I loved him and Lauren together. We didn't really get that many sweet scenes between them together. But they love each other. And that was enough.

I'm unsure how I felt about her mom. She seemed a bit weird. But I think she is amazing. Maybe. She does seem to love Lauren a lot, and I liked that :) We get to meet a lot of other characters as well, but most aren't there for others to see. Because Lauren is having visions of girls that are missing. Girls at age 17 that are Gone. And there is so many! Ah. It started to mess with my head. And I loved that. It was pretty amazing. A bit creepy, though, all those girls and the dream fire house. But it was perfect.

This book is about a lot of things. But mostly it is about the girls that Lauren can see and talk to. Which I found to be pretty amazing, but also creepy, like I said. The girls we get to know the most is Abby and Fiona. I loved it. But I also loved to get to know all the girls. Their lives, how they ended up gone. Awful, heartbreaking and amazing. Abby might still be alive, because she went missing only a few months ago. But they have all stopped looking for her, believing her to have run away. Sniffs. It is done really well.

Then there is Fiona. Who went missing at the age of 17, when Lauren was 8. She was her next door babysitter. I kind of disliked her a lot. She was a bit cruel. But also kind, in a weird way. Hated how she was just gone.. sobs. But I loved her too. She did something the day she ran away that saved Lauren. I loved her for that. Kind of. Anyway. I loved reading about the girls. It was interesting and unique and all kinds of special. I want more books like this. I also want lots more of Jamie, hih. <3 He's just amazing.

I don't have more to say about this book. I don't want to spoil anything. And it's just really amazing. 17 & Gone is a must read book. It's full of feels. It will make you sad. But also a bit happy. It's haunted. And a bit scary too. And it is interesting. Think you will all love it. Now I will have to go searching for books like it. I need more of books like this amazing one. <3 Thank you, Nova, for writing such an amazing book :) I cannot wait to read more from you, since I loved Imaginary Girls as well.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, so you really liked Jamie, huh? ;) I'm glad! Usually when you approve of a romance, I end up liking it too. I don't think I'd mind so much if it wasn't too emphasised, as the rest sounds brilliant. I can't wait to get started. :) Great review, Carina!


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