
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #19

Top Ten Books I HAD To Buy, But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread

1. Poison Princess by Kresley Cole. I really need to read this soon. Been ages since I bought it :)
2. Darkbeast by Morgan Keyes. I adore middle grade, and I really want to read it. It seems amazing.
3. Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson. Been wanting to read this one for ages. Seems so so good.
4. Changeling by Philippa Gregory. I think this sounds like an epic fantasy. Really hope I'll love it ;)
5. Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar. So many have loved this book, and I think it's sounds unique and awesome.
6. The Dark Light by Sara Walsh. I'm hoping this will be an amazing book. And I kind of think it will :)
7. Nobody But Us by Kristin Halbrook. Just got this, but I just had to buy it. Please let it be awesome.
8. The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer. Think this sounds so exciting. I cannot wait to finally read it.
9. Indigo Awakening by Jordan Dane. I just adore this cover, and it does seems really interesting.
10. False Memory by Dan Krokos. Adore the cover. I think this sounds pretty awesome, hope it is ;p

Heh. Yeah. I have tons of books like this. But only added ten ;) So many books that I have bought because I HAD to buy it, and that I wanted to read right away, but still haven't gotten to :p But I want to, and hopefully I will get to read them all very soon. <3 At the moment I have 260 books to read that I own. Also, I think I'm getting addictive to Top Ten again. What is on your list this week? :)

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :) 


  1. I've also been looking forward to reading my copy of False Memory but unfortunately don't have time.

    Btw, I am currently hosting a giveaway at my blog. Feel free to check if you have time ->

  2. I really want to read Changling too.

  3. ooh, I have both Poison Princess and Changeling waiting to be read too, they sound like amazing fantasy novels. Nobody But Us looks really good too. Happy Reading Carina!

    My Top Ten!

  4. I've had The Dark Light for a while now...I forgot about it until your list!

    My TT

  5. All on my TBR pile, great list! Happy reading!

    My TTT

  6. I haven't read any of these yet either. I have SOOOO many books to read on my shelf!! :) Good luck!

  7. oh WOW 260?! I thought I was bad at around 160 *hands over the crown to you*. I love love these TTT posts but I tend to do a vlog on our youtube channel because we don't have any space in our blog schedule.

    anyways, poison princess, YES! I want to buy a copy (don't have one yet) and I can't wait to read it!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf


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