
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu

It's been way more than a year since I bought this book. I just needed it, because of the gorgeous cover, and because I thought the story sounded amazing. I tried reading it back then, but I couldn't get past page thirty, because I couldn't handle the sadness back then. But since I have read so many amazing middle grade books these days, and I kind of really love sad books now, so I needed to give it another try :)

And I'm glad I did. Even though it wasn't as perfect as I had wanted it to be. I just couldn't love the writing. It just wasn't good enough for me. It wasn't all bad, just not for me. But I did love the story. The story is pretty amazing. I do love fairytale books, and this is one big fairytale, set in the real world. Sort of. A few things I thought were weird, but mostly I enjoyed the plot and characters a lot. It is an interesting and sweet book.

I won't write a long review for this book, because I don't know what to say. Will talk a tiny bit about the plot and the characters, but not much more than that, but yeah. I did enjoy the book, even though I didn't fully love it. I loved the fairytale part of the book, even though at times I thought it was a bit too much. But I loved reading about the world in the woods, the couple in the cottage, the evil bird woman, and just everything. I enjoyed reading about the witch as well. I just kind of wished the book had been more evil. Okay, it is a bit heartbreaking. But I could have handled more.

Breadcrumbs is a story about eleven year old Hazel. I sort of adored her. She's different from the other kids her age, and she's just pretty amazing. She lives with just her mom, and it's kind of hard at times, but she is happy. Although school isn't going too well, and that made me sad, because it was heartbreaking. But I also loved it. Hazel has a best friend, though. Jack. And he was pretty amazing, too :) I just wish he had been in the book more, and that we had seen their friendship better, since the book is about that. But I did enjoy reading the parts he was in. He is a great friend to Hazel :)

The plot in this book is pretty interesting. It is a story about how Jack gets taken away by the Ice Queen. Kind of. And it is sad, but not that sad. It is interesting to read about it all, and I did enjoy the book; for the most part. I won't say more than that, though, because the book isn't that long, and I think you should read it for yourself. It is good :) And I cannot wait to read more by Anne Ursu. Breadcrumbs is a sweet book, with a great adventure. I didn't love it that much, but I did like it very much :)


  1. Wow so beautiful cover:) Love it:) Never read this book my self:)

  2. It sounds like you would have loved this if the writing had worked better for you? I'm glad you were still able to appreciate the characters and the plot, though. :) It does sound like a brilliant middle grade read. I just hope I like the writing slightly more than you did. Great review, Carina!

    1. Yeah, I think so :) It was still an pretty amazing book, though ;p Thank you. <3

  3. Glad you liked this one, even if you didn't love it. The cover is stunning! I read this one a while ago and enjoyed it. Hazel is a great character! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  4. Thanks for the review. I saw this around when it came out but never got to read it. Sorry you didn't fall in love with it. Hope you're feeling better.

    1. <3 thank you sweetie :) I'm feeling better now, I think ;p

  5. Great to see you finally got to a book you were looking to read for awhile. Though it's too bad it was just okay, it must have been a fine experience nevertheless. I won't rush to buy it, though. "Breadcrumbs" is an interesting title for a book of this kind.

  6. I have never heard of this book before reading this review. Interesting review! I might just have to pick this book up soon!
    -Scott Reads It

  7. I've had this book forever as well. I just haven't gotten around to reading it. By your review, it looks like it'll be okay if I wait some more. :)


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