
Monday, April 1, 2013

100,000 Page Views

Hi everyone :D I just wanted to share with you all that I just reached 100,000 page views on my blog. Which I think is beyond amazing. Thank you all so, so much. It means the world to me. I just love blogging so much, and I love reading other people's blogs as well :) I will be having a giveaway soon. Not a very big one, since I have to finally save some money, since I'm getting a cat now in April, which I cannot wait for. <3 But yes. I will be having a small giveaway. Including some amazing signed In the Shadow of Blackbirds swag :D Which you all want. Just, thank you. All of you. I adore you all :)

Some stats about my blog; that I started in October 2011.

I have 695 GFC followers.
I have posted 532 blog posts.
I have gotten more than 4000 comments.
The post that have been viewed the most is my Clockwork Princess review with over 1900 views.
In fact, the three top posts that has been viewed the most are things by Cassandra Clare :)
I have also read a ton of books. I have gotten so many new blogger friends; whom I adore so much.

This is my little princess that I will be picking up on April 22nd. I cannot wait. <3 As of right now her name is Anastasia :) Which I adore, but isn't entirely sure about yet. But sigh. She is perfect.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! That's really amazing :D. To 100,000 MORE page views!

  2. Congrats on your milestone! And awesome you're getting a cat. I had one until my husband moved in with me and was very allergic to her. I love cats!

    1. Thank you so much :D Ah, that sucks :\ But glad you love cats :)

  3. Congratulations!! And I love the cat!! Cats are just incredible! :) I miss mine like crazy <3 <3 <3

  4. WOW - congrats! 100k AND a new kitten? Definitely worth celebrating.

    p.s. I'm digging Anastasia! Seems to fit her!

    1. :D Thank you so much :) Ahh, thank you :D Yeah, me too. <3

  5. Anastasia looks adorable! She has such gorgeous eyes. :)

    A huge congrats on reaching 100,000 page views, lovely! Here's to 100,000 more. <3

  6. Congrats! Anastasia looks so pretty! I'm getting my cat Georgie this summer, too :)

  7. Oh wow, what a beautiful cat! :) Congratulations on your page views girl! :D

  8. I think that might be the most adorable cat I have ever seen!

  9. I wish I saw this sooner, but a big congratulations for reaching 100,000 page views! That's a milestone in itself! I really like the sharing of the stats, which seems quite familiar to my own practices :P but not only great quantity, but great quality in your posts. I look forward to reading more of what you have to write. Now let's see what's going to happen when you reach 1,000,000 views...

    The kitten is absolutely adorable, too!


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)