
Saturday, March 30, 2013

In My Mailbox #74

This was an awesome week. I got some really pretty things :) Some The Croods. <3 Some Spirited Away. And a few awesome books :D I love it all. Sigh. I wish I could say I'm feeling better this week, but I'm not, not really :p Plus side, I got my medicine again, so hoping to start feeling better pretty soon :) Oh. And yeah. Early next week they start building my apartment for me upstairs ;) So excited. But oh. I had to carry all my books downstairs.. That took forever, turns out I have TONS of books, lol :) If you want to, you can see my tumblr post about it HERE, with pictures. <3 What did you get this week?

The Archived. Won this from A Reader of Fictions <3 But yeah, book is very damaged :\ Still, <3
Pivot Point. I figured out I needed to give this book a try.. I really hope it will be good, though ;p
Poison. Won this from Preternatura <3 Think it sounds pretty amazing ;) I hope it is amazing too.
Fractured. Well. I haven't read book one yet, but now at least I have them both, hih ;D Pretty.
In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Sigh. Perfect book. <3 And ahh. The hardcover is so damn gorgeous.
Spellcaster. I hope this book will be amazing. I adore Claudia, so I think it will be :) Really pretty.
The Croods. Sigh. These cups are adorable. I love them all so much :) Ebay is an awesome place.
Spirited Away. Ohhh. Spirited Away figures! Best thing ever. Haku. <3 Love. They are amazing.

Wreck-It Ralph. Norwegian painting book :) Hih. I just had to buy it. Sigh. I need it all... <3
The Croods. Some really, really gorgeous stickers and pictures :D I love them both a lot.
Nausicaa. Getting closer to owning all of these comic books :) They are amazing, at least.
Mulan. Sigh. Yeah. Watched this two weeks ago, again, and it is just so amazing. I love it.
Entertainment Weekly: Game of Thrones. BEST TV SHOW! Dying for monday morning. <3
Camelbak bottle. These bottles are amazing. I really love them :) And ah. It is pink! Hih :) 
Washcloth. I just had to buy this one. A gorgeous pink cupcake. Sigh. Isn't it pretty? ;p
Dior. For the lips and the eyes. I do love it. It looks really pretty on, as well :) So awesome.

And I got accepted to read The Year of Shadows by Claire Legrand via Edelweiss! So so happy. <3 I have already read and reviewed it, and it was so perfect. You all need to read it too.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I am SO EXCITED for In the Shadow of Blackbirds! I've heard some GREAT things about it, so I can't wait to see what you think!(: Great haul, Carina! :D

    ~Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

  2. I've heard great things about Shadow of Blackbirds. Pivot Point and Poison were fun reads and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Hope you get better soon. Enjoy your reads Carina. :)

  3. EEK! Great haul! I really want to read Poison and The Archived, they look utterly amazing!

    Enjoy your new books!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

  4. I need to get a finished copy of In the Shadow of Blackbirds this week, too. I heard there were a few changes to the start? Still, I want a beautiful hardcover on my shelf. :) And I hope you like Pivot Point! I was pleasantly surprised by it actually. I can't wait to see what you think. :)

  5. I've been hearing great things about Spellcaster around a lot and I can't wait to read it a long with the few other books I have by her.

    My IMM

  6. Awesome book haul as usual! I REALLY need to buy In the Shadow of Blackbirds because I have heard AMAZING things about it. And yes! Pivot Point is amazing :)

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. You are so lucky:) Aww mulan:D

  8. What's with this The years of Shadow? Is it an actual book or a children book? I like the cover :P :) <3 Happy Easter!! ;) <3 <3 xoxo

  9. The Year of the Shadow sounds so good. I love the cover.

    It looks like you got some great things this week! Books, figurines, cups, videos. Yeah!

    I hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. Another copy of In the Shadow of the Blackbirds? Sigh that is a brilliant book! Awesome haul Carina! Happy Reading!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  11. Poison, Shadow of the blackbirds, awesome :D I love the Mulan books!

    Showcase Sunday -Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  12. Fractured! I don't exactly know why I'm excited over that. I haven't even read Slated yet. Nice haul, Carina!

  13. Aaah, Studio Ghibili knickknacks!! Adorable!

  14. Great week hun. I've heard so many awesome things about Game of Thrones, maybe I should check out what all the fuss is about? Lol. Enjoy!


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