
Saturday, March 30, 2013

In the Shadow of Blackbirds Blog Tour: This or That with Cat Winters + Giveaway

I'm so happy to be a part of this amazing blog tour! Because I adore Cat Winters. She is just so amazing. And oh. In the Shadow of Blackbirds is one of the best books. Just so amazing. You all need to read it right away. Well, when it comes out early April ;) You can read my early review of it here. For my part of this amazing blog tour I sent some This or That questions to Cat that she answered :) Hope they are good ;p I do love Cat's answers. Thank you so much sweetie. In case you wanted to know my answers as well, I added those after Cat's answers :) Also added a cute picture of Cat's dog, Iggy :D So adorable. Have you read this amazing book yet? :) You really need to. In the Shadow of Blackbirds is amazing. <3

1. Which character from your book did you enjoy writing the most: Stephen or Julius?
I grew quite attached to poor Stephen, even though I wasn't very nice to him.

2. If you could choose to live now or in the time of your novel, what would you choose?

Now, definitely. 1918 was such an awful moment in time. I can understand why everyone let loose in the 1920s and had some fun.

3. If you lived in the past, what would you rather have happen to your sweetheart: the flu or the war?
Ooh, that's a hard one. The flu ended up killing more people than the war, but the war did so much damage to people's minds. I guess I might say the flu. If he survived, he might not have as many emotional scars afterward.

4. If you lost the one you love, would you have been going to get a spirit photography done?

It's hard to say for certain as a modern person looking back on the early-twentieth-century spirit photography trend, but I think I would have found it creepy, even then.

5. When you write, would you rather listen to music or have silence?

I find it easier to write with silence if I'm writing at home, but if I'm writing in a coffeehouse, I don't mind the background music playing. It blends in with all the other sounds so I'm not focusing on the lyrics.

6. Who would you rather invite to a dinner party: The ghost of Elizabeth Taylor, or the ghost of Marilyn Monroe?
I've been a Marilyn Monroe fan for a long time. I went through a phase of loving the 1950s when I was a teenager and really wanted to look like her (which I didn't).

7. Coffee or tea?
Tea with cream and sugar.

8. Cats or dogs?
Dogs. I have a 15 1/2-year-old American Eskimo pup named Iggy. A little trivia: I named an IN THE SHADOW OF BLACKBIRDS character Paul Spitz in honor of my dog. Iggy's breed was called "American Spitz" until WWI.

9. Chocolate or strawberries?
Chocolate (although chocolate-covered strawberries are heavenly).

10. What do you like reading the most, ebooks or physical copies?
Physical copies.

11. Rain or snow?

Snow is a fun novelty here in my part of Oregon in the U.S. Rain is common. I'll choose snow.

12. Which superpower would you choose: Flying or Invisibility?
Flying would be nice. I'm not a big fan of driving.

13. Michael Jackson or Elvis?

Elvis (see my previous comment about my 1950s stage).

14. Books or movies?
Oh, that's too hard to choose! I've loved both books AND movies all my life. I definitely prefer books over their movie adaptations, though.

15. Harry Potter of The Lord of the Rings?
Harry Potter!

arina's answers to the questions:

1. I loved reading about Stephen the most, hih :D
2. I think I would prefer to live now. Because of the internet, and I'm just not sure I could survive without that (A) lol.
3. Having read the book, I would say the flu. Because you can survive that. The war did not go easy on Stephen :(
4. I would love to say no, but I probably would have, at that time. I don't believe in those kind of things now,
but I think I would have back in time :)
5. When I write book reviews I always need to have music on :)
6. I would rather meet Marilyn Monroe, I think :D
7. Tea. I don't like coffee :)
8. I would have to say cats and dogs. I have always loved cats, but after having had a dog for six years I have to love him. <3
9. Both! I adore melted chocolate and strawberries (A) Hih :)
10. Physical copies. Mostly hardcovers, because I adore reading those. <3 But I do enjoy ebooks too.
11. Snow. I have never liked rain much, because here in Norway it's really, really cold rain :p And it's wet.
12. Flying! Have always wanted to be able to fly. Been dreaming about it since I was very little ;p
13. Michael Jackson. Because I love his music.
14. I'm conflicted. But lately I have enjoyed books more :)
15. The Lord of the Rings. <3 Hih, best movies. I do love Harry Potter, though :)

Where to find Cat Winters:
Website - Twitter - Facebook

In the Shadow of Blackbirds:
Website - Goodreads - Facebook

Where to pre-order In the Shadow of Blackbirds:
Amazon - The Book Depository - Barnes & Noble

Blog Tour Schedule.

25th - Recreate the cover contest @ The Mod Podge Bookshelf
26th - Interview @ Icey Books
27th - This or That @ Novels News & Notes
28th - Guest Blog @ Two Chicks On Books
29th - Interview @ Hobbitsies
30th - This or That @ Carina's Books
31st - Interview @ Book Whales
1st - Character Interview with Julius @ Read Write and Read Some More
2nd - Guest Blog @ Mundie Moms
3rd - This or That @ The Book Galaxy
4th - Guest Blog @ Teen Librarian
5th - Interview @ A.L. Davroe
6th - Character Interview with Mary Shelley @ IBTeens

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I was lucky enough to read an ARC of IN THE SHADOW OF BLACKBIRDS, and I loved it. Stephen was my favourite character too!


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