
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mini Review: Life Before Legend by Marie Lu

This won't be a long review, since it is two very short stories. But oh. It is two very good short stories! Life Before Legend is a short story from Day and June's point of views when they were twelve years old. And oh. They were just so small and adorable. Day is one of my all-time favorite characters. I also adore June very much, she's just amazing. I love her brother Metias as well.

First we read a story from Day's point of view at the age of twelve. At that time he was just all alone. And oh. It was just so sad. But amazing. His knee was so bad as well back then. It all just broke my heart. Day is just too good. His short story takes place by a ship, which was all kinds of awesome. We get to see a lot. I loved that. And we get to see his first kiss! Which was sweet and cute and adorable. Sigh. I just love him so much.

June's short story is amazing as well. We get to see her first day at Drake college. She's just twelve. Where the youngest kids are sixteen. It was kind of awful. Some bullying. But I loved it. June is an amazing person. I'm sure she's all kinds of broken, but she's also so tough. She's had a hard life as well, not like Day, but still pretty awful. I loved reading this short story from her point of view, though it was heartbreaking. I mean, she has no friends. Sniffs.

There isn't so much in this short story. But it is a story from Day and one from June. And I loved reading them both. I cannot wait to start Prodigy tomorrow. Please let me love it. But yeah. Life Before Legend was an amazing short story! You must read it if you have read Legend. Because yeah. Day is an amazing character, and you need to read everything there is about him. And June too. And Metias, her brother. Sigh. I loved these two short stories very much. They were amazing. Marie writes beautiful stories :)


  1. I wasn't into novella's before, but after enjoying some I'm starting to really like them :D I can't wait to read Legend, so I can pick these up!


  2. I can't keep up with all these short stories coming out! I feel like every successful series is releasing a ton of them =P Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're just a waste of money. I'll probably end up reading this one though because I really want to read about little Day and June =)

  3. oooh! I have to read this one. I'm a big fan of Marie's and was lucky enough to be at both her book launches. Thanks for this awesome review!


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