
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #69

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Kai and Ginny grew up together–best friends since they could toddle around their building’s rooftop rose garden. Now they’re seventeen, and their relationship has developed into something sweeter, complete with stolen kisses and plans to someday run away together.

But one night, Kai disappears with a mysterious stranger named Mora–a beautiful girl with a dark past and a heart of ice. Refusing to be cast aside, Ginny goes after them and is thrust into a world she never imagined, one filled with monsters and thieves and the idea that love is not enough.

If Ginny and Kai survive the journey, will she still be the girl he
loved–and moreover, will she still be the girl who loved him?

Jackson Pearce, author of the acclaimed SISTERS RED and FATHOMLESS, has returned with a unique vision of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen,” one about power and redemption, failure and hope, and the true meaning of strength.

Expected publication: November 2013 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here.

I cannot wait for this one! But oh. NOVEMBER?! That is so so far away. Still. I'm dying to read Cold Spell. I love Jackson Pearce's Fairytale Retellings. My favorite was Sisters Red, but omg, this one sounds even better. I can't wait to read it. And just look at that cover! Isn't it just so so gorgeous? I love. And oh. It just sounds so interesting. Can't wait to meet Ginny and Kai! Amazing romance too, I hope :)
What are you waiting for?


  1. This is new to me. Sounds really good. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  2. I've seen the cover recently on my dashboard and I must say it's really good! This is going on my tbr pile! awesome pick!

    Waiting on Wednesday

    We Fancy Books

  3. I haven't come across this before, but oh it sounds fab! I love books about childhood best friends! Will be adding this to my tbr. :)

  4. WHAT a beautiful cover!! I know this has nothing to do with your WoW, but if you really liked Graceling then you should look into 'To Stand Beside Her' by B. Kristin McMichael. here: Goodreads link

    Beth @ YA Vixens
    Vixens WoW
    A Vixens Giveaway!

  5. Oh god that cover! I could careless if this book is a dud I AM still buying it for my shelf. Thankfully the summary sounds awesome. Putting this on my TBR. :)

  6. I haven't read anything by Jackson Pearce, but I really need to. Such a great cover.

    My WOW

  7. I picked this one too! Stunning cover <3 And I adore Pearce, so I can't wait. Faaaaairytales and retellings are the best.

    WoW Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  8. Really excited for Jackson Pearce newest novel. Love her retellings. Great pick!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My WOW

  9. I love "The Snow Queen" fairy tale, will need to check this out. November is a long time to wait! Please check out my WoW. Thanks!

    Anna @ Wandering Librarians

  10. My goodness that does sounds like an interesting book. Great pick and Happy Reading! Here is my WoW for this week!

  11. I really like this cover! Sounds like a great story. Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  12. I am a big Jackson Pearce fan! This one might have my favorite cover. Cannot wait to check it out :). Great pick!


  13. Eeeee! Yes, love Jackson Pearce and can't wait to see her take on the Snow Queen!

  14. I haven't read anything by this author- but I love this cover! The book sounds like it will be amazing. I enjoy fairy tale retellings. :) Thanks for sharing.


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