
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Book Recommendation: Legend by Marie Lu

I just read Legend for the third time. Been a year since the last time I read it. It was just as amazing now as it was then :) Had a tiny issue with getting into the writing at first, but that might have just been because I was having a bad day. Because once I really starting re-reading Legend I could not stop. And I loved it so much. Legend is an amazing book. Perfect plot. And so amazing characters. They are all just so very broken. Which is perfect. There is a lot of heartbreak in this book. I loved all of it.

I know this is my second book recommendation of this book. The first one don't really count, though, since I didn't talk much about the book at all. And I will talk more about it in this book recommendation. Why I love it and such. Also sharing some of the gorgeous artwork from the book, by the author, Marie :) It is gorgeous. I won't be talking spoilers in this book. Well, maybe a few small things. But they don't mean much, so I think you should read my thoughts about this book :) I will try to write it good ;p

Legend is an amazing book. I loved the world building. It takes place in the future, in Los Angeles. The world has mostly gone away because of floods. Which was kind of awesome. Want to learn more about that. There is the Republic and the Patriots. We learn about the Republic in this book. And I must admit, it sounded like such an awful place to live. So many rules. So many poor people. So many plagues and deaths and violence. The Elector seemed like an awful man. As did the soldiers. Shudders.

June is one of the main characters. She's a fifteen year old girl. She lives with her older brother Metias, in the rich part of the city. Her parents are dead. She's the only one who scored 1500 on the Trial. Which was kind of awesome. But she's so young. But I kind of loved that. June is an amazing person. At first, though, she's kind of spoiled and awful. But she changes a lot. And I loved that. I also loved her dog, Ollie, very much. And omg. Metias. My heart breaks for him. But he was amazing. So kind and loving.

Then there is Day. He's a fifteen year old boy living alone out in the poor part of the city. Well, he has Tess with him. She's thirteen, and they are best friends. Nothing romantic between them, but it is easy to see that Tess feels something for him. But yeah. They are awesome friends. But oh. Day have lived on the streets since he was ten. Because he failed his Trial. He had to leave his family. He's supposed to be dead. But instead he is the Republic's most wanted criminal. Which was awesome, to be honest :)

There is so much happening in this book. A lot of death. And violence. And torture. Which I kind of loved. Things happen, to make Day and June meet. And oh. I just loved seeing them together. Even though a few things broke my heart. June does something really stupid. I might not blame her for it, in a tiny way, because of her loss. But still. It was a bit cruel and heartless of her. And it made some awful things happen. Ah. It all just broke my heart. But it was just so amazing as well. I loved it all.

I won't say much more about the plot, since this is only a three hundred page book. But yeah. There is so many amazing things happening. We get to learn so much. About how things work for the poor, and the rich. Why there is so many plagues. And oh. How I hated Thomas! He was such a cruel person. I hated hated him. There is a lot of characters in this book. Most I hated. But there were some I loved. Like Day's family. Sniffs. John and Eden and his mom. Cries. They were so perfect. Heartbreaking.

Not saying much more about this book. There is some romance. Which I loved. It isn't very much, though, but that's okay :) There is action. Which was amazing. And I just loved reading about this world. And the amazing characters. Found them all to be pretty interesting and amazing. And oh. The ending of Legend is very heartbreaking. Amazing. But so sad as well. But yeah. I do love sad and heartbreaking books, for the most part. And Legend was just so perfect as well. An amazing story.

I loved Legend. It is such an amazing book. Been dying for the sequel, Prodigy, but I'm still unsure about reading it. Because for months I have known a few awful things about it. But then I learned some more, and peeked at the finished copy, and I don't think I will dislike it like I first thought. So I am very excited to start it next. Think it will be good. I hope. You really need to read Legend! It's an amazing dystopian book. Great writing, perfect world, and the most amazing characters. You need to read it.

Legend. Prodigy. Marie Lu. Buy Legend from Book Depository.
My very old review of Legend. My old book recommendation of Legend.

Also wanted to share this spoilery teaser. I love this part of the book so much. Maybe best part of it.

And the amazing art of June and Day by the amazing author Marie Lu. <3 Love!


  1. This is your third re-read?! I wish I could read as fast as you. :) Anyway, I agree with so many of your points. I loved June and Day together in this book too, but I think I found their relationship a fraction more believable in the sequel (even with all the other things that we talked about). And that artwork is brilliant! I don't think I've seen those before, so thanks for sharing. I hope you get to read Prodigy soon. I'm sure you're as prepared as you can be. :)

  2. Awesome that you found time to read it so many times. I so agree with your review. I loved this. And Prodigy is amazing too. Marie is such a great person. So glad to see how her career has taken off.


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