
Saturday, February 2, 2013

In My Mailbox #66

This week has been the best and the worst week of my life. The best because I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Siege and Storm :D It is the most beautiful thing ever. And I loved the book so much. Have posted my review already :) I also got an ARC of Of Triton. <3 Which I cannot wait to read. It has been the worst week of my life because of my tailbone. I haven't hurt it. But it hurts like hell ALL THE TIME. I can't sit, I can't stand, I can't lie down and I can't walk. It hurts all the time. Been taking a bunch of pills that only work for a few hours :p Have read about it, and it might last for at least 2 weeks :\ Meaning I have at least one week left. Ugh. I just want it to stop hurting. But anyway. Besides that, it have been a good week :) Got some amazing books. So many pretty ones as well :) What did you get this week?

Shadows in the Silence. I still haven't started this series (A) But now I have all three books :) Soon.
Everbound. Still haven't read book one. But I want to, so now I have both :) Hopefully reading soon ;p
The Archived. Read this as an ARC a few months ago. Was so good. This hardcover is GORGEOUS!
Fracture. Gorgeous paperback edition. With short story inside! Ahh. I loved this book :) So pretty.
The Replacement. Got this one on sale. Hih. I did love the book a lot :D Also have the hardcover ;p
Castle in the Sky. Comic book two. I do love these. Movie was so good. And this is so so pretty :)
Across the Universe. Ahh. Best series. Didn't own this new paperback edition :) It is gorgeous. Love.
The Madman's Daughter. This book was AMAZING! Cannot wait to re-read. Gorgeous cover too.
In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Ah. Thank you so so so much to Abrams Kids UK for this amazing arc! Already read it, review coming two weeks before release :) I loved it. This book is PERFECT. So pretty.
Owl. Ah, this one was just so so pretty. Needed it for my room. Hih. I love it. Owls are cute :)
Pink Angry Bird. Ahh! Isn't it gorgeous? :D I love love love love her. She is just so so pretty.
And omg. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of another small plush I got, a bear. He's so gorgeous.

Hysteria. I very much liked this book. And ohh. I love this hardcover. Isn't it just so pretty? I think so.
Asunder. Gorgeous book. I hope I'll love it :) I did love book one. Hoping to read it very, very soon :D
Prodigy x2. The thing about Prodigy is that for months I was sure I would not read it, because of love SQUARE. But then I peeked at it, and heard some more about it, and I might not think it will be so bad. I mean, yes, heartbreaking ending. But not because of what I thought. I will read Prodigy. Just, please, don't let love square be more in book three. Can't handle that. I just loved Legend so damn much, been dying to read Prodigy.. so yeah, next read will be a re-read of Legend, then Prodigy :D
The Madman's Daughter. Gorgeous. My second copy. Loved it so much that I needed to copies of it :)
Of Triton. Omg! Macmillan is AMAZING. I'm beyond thrilled with these amazing ARCs. Dying to read this.
Siege and Storm. DYING. This book was so PERFECT. THANK YOU SO MUCH, MACMILLAN! <3 Omg. I am so so so happy that I got an ARC of this book. Made my whole year. I read it right away. And it was so so so so good. Already posted my spoiler-free review. Am now dying for book three :)
Mountain Dog. Salt. The Heartbreak Messenger. Zero Tolerance. Bo at Ballard Creek. Whole bunch of Middle Grade books :D I think they all sound amazing. Zero Tolerance especially :) Can't wait to read!

Nausicaa. This one is perfect. Love. A bit sad that I must paint it myself, though.. but happy with it :)
The Prey. I read an eARC of this book, and it was amazing! This hardcover is just so gorgeous.
The Fault in Our Stars. Ah. Perfect, perfect book. I needed this pretty paperback as well. So much love.
Fall for Anything. I adore Courtney. Read lots of the ending, this book seems amazing! Reading soon.
Prodigy. Heh. I might have bought a few copies of this book.. But yeah. I do love this paperback.
My Neighbour Totoro Magnets. These are all kinds of gorgeous. I love them very much. Sigh.
Game of Thrones Bookmark Magnets. Ahh. A bit ruined, though :( But they are gorgeous. Love.
Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming T-Shirt. I LOVE this t-shirt! It is perfect. So, so, so much love.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I've been meaning to try more of Courtney Summers' books! Fall for Anything looks great. I can't wait to see what you think of it. Salt looks pretty good, too. I'm not much of a MG reader but I like the sound of that one. And yay for Siege & Storm! I can't wait to read it myself. :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear you have so many pain! I hope it will go away any time soon, but, you have at least a lot of great books to read for distraction! Everbound, The archived, The madman's daughter, In the shadow of blackbirds, Of triton, so many awesome titles there :) Great haul!


  3. Wow, so many incredibly exciting books! I'm jealous. ;) Also, the owl is so cute! Happy reading!

  4. Oh, wow, so many awesome books this week. I am sorry you are in so much pain, I wish you a quick recovery. I really want to start the Everneath series, have heard so many good things about it. The Madman's Daughter looks great too, have added it to my wishlist. I really want to read The Archived too and Of Triton. So many great books. Happy reading and feel better.

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

  5. So many copies of Prodigy! Great haul, hope you feel better soon though! At least you have lots of reading to distract you :)

  6. So glad you loved In The Shadow of Blackbirds! I'm going to be reading it soon so it's good to know that you liked it. EEEE, you got Siege and Storm! Can't wait to read that book, I need more Mal. ;)

  7. I enjoyed AtU and hope you do too.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  8. Wow, fabulous books! PRODIGY and THE ARCHIVED look lovely.

    So sorry to hear about your issues with your tailbone! That sucks. Hope you start feeling better soon :)

  9. Wow! You got so many awesome books this week. So sorry about your tailbone. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Oh my goodness, so jealous of your mailbox! I'd like to sneak over and steal Siege and Storm and just hope you don't notice. :)

    I hope your tailbone feels better! Any kind of pain that won't go away is the worst. :(

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  11. Seeing those two books at the bottom remind me that I HAVE to get Of Poseidon & Smoke and bone. Amazing haul. Really amazing set of books you got here. Happy reading ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  12. Whoa, nice haul! I hope to get Siege and Storm really soon. (I think I contacted the correct email address for a review request... I hope so...) And Of Triton's cover is so pretty! I'm not sure I'll read Of Poseidon because some negative reviews would suggest I'd hate it, but still, PRETTY COVER! The Madman's Daughter is awesome, and I'm reading Hysteria right now. Not too far in - just a few chapters, but it's alright. A bit difficult to get into. Enjoy your books, Carina!

  13. So many amazing books! I wouldn't even know where to start! I have The Fault in Our Stars to read and I can't wait to get started. Can't wait to read The Archived, too!

    Sorry to hear about your tailbone. Hope it feels better soon. :)

  14. Aw, I'm so sorry you've been in pain!! I hope you feel better soon.

    I LOVE your books of awesomeness!!! Enjoy all your goodies! :)

  15. CASTLE IN THE SKY. One of my favourite movies of all time. I've been torn for YEARS on whether to get those... Across the Universe! I'm warming up to the new covers but they'll never be better than the old ones. The Madman's Daughter! In the Shadow of Blackbirds! The Archived! Owl statue! XD

    I loved Fracture. Reading Prodigy right now. Reading Hysteria sometime later this month...

    AAAAAAAAH!!! + I hope you're feeling better by now.

  16. Great haul, enjoy! I really want to read In The Shadow of Blackbirds! :)
    I also love the GoT things! ;)


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