
Friday, February 1, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Year of Shadows by Claire Legrand

I'm sharing the cover of The Year of Shadows by Claire Legrand with you all :D It is an amazing middle grade book coming out this August. I cannot wait for it. I loved her first book, The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. It was perfect. Claire writes so good, and she writes such scary stories. Hoping this book will be the same :) I can't wait to read it. And omg. LOOK at that cover! Isn't it just gorgeous? I love it very, very much. It's just so gorgeous. I cannot wait to read this book! Just how gorgeous is that cat? He seeems amazing. And Olivia! I cannot wait to meet her. Sigh. Also, Claire is just so amazing. <3

12-year-old Olivia Stellatella and her father have sold all their belongings to keep her father’s orchestra from going bankrupt. Now, they live out of suitcases in the back rooms of Emerson Hall, where the orchestra performs.

Olivia hates it there.

She hates her squeaky cot and shabby clothes. She hates her father, too, for being so obsessed with music that he drove Olivia’s mother out of the house and got them into this mess. Most of all, Olivia hates the orchestra. It’s the orchestra’s fault that her father’s the way he is. She can’t wait for it to fail.

Until the ghosts come.

They’re lonely, frightened, and stuck in our world. Only if Olivia and the 12-year-old usher, Henry, can help the ghosts solve the mysteries of their deaths — deaths that are somehow related to the Hall’s past — will they be able to move on and find peace. But time — and money — is running out. The mayor wants to bulldoze the Hall to the ground, which would put Olivia and her father out on the streets and trap the ghosts in our world permanently. And other ghosts — bad ones — will do anything to keep them here. As the “ghosts of Emerson Hall” craze sweeps the city, Olivia faces life-changing family secrets and must fight for her life when her world, and the world of Death, collide.

THE YEAR OF SHADOWS is a middle grade ghost story about loss, magic, music, and the power of friendship.
The Year of Shadows. Claire Legrand. Official Reveal Post.
My review of Cavendish.


  1. I love the cover! And the story sounds amazing! :)

  2. Thanks for featuring the cover and blurb. Sounds interesting!
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  3. What a great MG cover! This looks great - can't wait til it hits shelves!

  4. I love both covers! I must start this series. I enjoy MG books and these look spooky and awesome. You are the best for sharing these. Thanks!


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