
Saturday, February 16, 2013

In My Mailbox #68

I think this was an awesome book-week. SO much amazing :D Lots of eARCs. <3 Perfect. And this amazing package from Macmillan. Best week. Sigh. But oh. Last week I talked about my Abscess. Well. It isn't back, but I have to go to the doctor every day still to change the bandage and such :( I'm not happy, because it's a lot of work going there each day, and it's expensive too. And it kind of hurts. But hopefully finished with all that in a few days, if it ever heals. Anyway. This week I did read a bit :D I read Wither, Fever and Sever. <3 And then today I read Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile :D So perfect!
What did you get this week?

Froi of the Exiles. Gorgeous US paperback. Sigh. These books are just so damn perfect.
The Mirrored Shard. I loved book one and two, unsure about this.. but still so excited :)
The Lives We Lost. Not sure when I'll read it, but I am excited to know what happens next ;p
Override. I don't know why I bought this. Since I only read a little of book one, that I hated..
Born Wicked. I still haven't read this book (A) But I do own the hardcover too, reading soon :)
Sever. Gorgeous hardcovers. Sigh. I am so in love with this book. Perfect ending. I loved it.
Fever paperback. Yeah, I adore this gorgeous paperback. Just need every edition of these :D
Hysteria. I did enjoy this book very much, so I needed the UK paperback too, it's so pretty :)
Scarlet. Two hardcovers, two UK paperbacks. ALL SO GORGEOUS. Perfect book. I'm in love.

The Hobbit Monopoly :D This game looks amazing. I love it. So so pretty too. Sigh.
Snow White and the Huntsman. Didn't own the Norwegian blu-ray yet :) I do love it.
Jaws. Ah, such a perfect movie. I really needed it on blu-ray :D Seeing it again soon.
The Nightmare Affair signed bookmark plus student guide. <3 Omg perfect. Thank you Mindee. <3
Howl's Moving Castle cards. These are so adorable. I love them very much. Gorgeous cards.
My Neighbour Totoro t-shirt :D Isn't it just so pretty and amazing? I love love love it.
Another Shadow and Bone bookmark via Hebel Design :D I love it. <3 So amazing. Malina tassel!

The Art of Howl's Moving Castle. Ah, finally bought this one. <3 Isn't it gorgeous? I love love love.
Breaking Point. Sequel to Article 5 :) Hoping to read it soon, cause it does seem pretty awesome.
The Runaway King. I pretty much loved the first book, so I am excited to read this sequel :)
Code Name Verity. This seems perfect. But also heartbreaking. Sobs. Have peeked.. Can't wait to read.
The Diviners. Since I loved this book so much I just needed this pretty UK hardcover. I love.
The Madman's Daughter. Perfect book! And omg. This international paperback is gooorgeous. <3
My Blue Nose Friends plush :D Isn't he adorable? I love him very, very, very much. Sigh. So cute.
MAVIS BAT PLUSH!!!! Omg. I am dying. She is just SO PERFECT. Came with the US movie :) Love.

The Unwanteds: Island of Fire. I think I will read this tomorrow. Cannot wait. <3
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile. I just read this :D SO PERFECT! Review coming tonight.
The Ward. This book seems amazing! So damn excited. Hih :)
The End Games. So so so excited for this book. <3 Seems perfect!
Reboot. Ah, this book sounds so good. So excited to read it :D
Wild Awake. This book does sound pretty amazing. I cannot wait to read it :)

The Lunar Chronicles / Scarlet hoodie. Bookmarks. Scarlet lip gloss. Most perfect package ever. <3 Macmillan is amazing. As is Marissa Meyer. Oh, so much in love with this gorgeous thing. <3 I wrote more about it on Tumblr, here:

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. The Ward sounds amazing, can't wait for your review. Eeep, I loved Scarlet. Thought I have to admit I prefer Cinder and Kai over Scarlet and Wolf. ;) And Throne was adorable! <3 Ooh, you have Breaking Point! I can't wait to get around to reading that one. ^^

    I actually really enjoyed SWATH! Chris Hemsworth... *sighs* :D

  2. Much exciting things, you're lucky:) The hobbit monopoly - looks great:)

  3. What an awesome haul! So much to love! The Mavis plush is just too cute, and the shirt! Wow! Enjoy all of your new goodies!

    My books.

  4. I don't know how you do it all the time! Secret millionaire :p I bet you have a money tree! Haha. I'm so lucky that I got my copy from Scarlet yesterday <3 I'm currently reading it and I already love it! The hoodie is aaaaawesome. I can't wait to read Born Wicked, The end games, The ward, The diviners and The madman's daughter. Great book taste girl :D happy reading!


  5. oh wow, why FOUR copies of Scarlet? and two of Sever? I don't get it. but the rest of the books? so amazing. As for Born Wicked, I think you should definitely read it, I am almost done with it and its AMAZING!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. WOW! so many great books there! I am dying to read Scarlet, The Ward, and Madman's Daghter! let me know if they are good!! Happy Reading!

    1. OOO and I have Diviners soon! I am reading it when I am done with the Shatter Me series!

  7. You had a great week! I'm super excited for Wild Awake. And I can't wait to finally get to read Sever and The Madman's Daughter. Enjoy your books!!!
    New follower!

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

    My IMM

  8. Aww, I totally want one of the Lunar Sweatshirts! They are awesome! Enjoy all your goodies :)

  9. How cool you got the End Games and The Ward. Cant wait to read what you think of them.
    My IMM

  10. I am amazed at your haul! So many books I want came your way. Yeah for you! End Game has such a cool cover. I love the bat. :)

  11. Wow! Great haul! There are so many great books here. I enjoyed Madman's Daughter. I hope you do too.

    Here's mine

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

  12. I ADORE the UK cover of Diviners! I need to order myself a copy sometime soon. OH, End Games looks fantastic and creepy, can't wait to read that one.
    The Scarlet package is so awesome!! Enjoy! :D


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