
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Review: Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile by Shannon Messenger

When I read Keeper of the Lost Cities back in October I had been prepared to wait a whole year for the sequel. Then I heard of ARCs, but didn't think I would get one, and then suddenly this week it showed up on Edelweiss. I requested it right away, and to my surprise and delight I got accepted for it. And I started it right away. Exile is an amazing book. A perfect sequel. But now I must wait more than a year for book three! I'll live, because I can always re-read the first books :)

One of the things that made me want to read book one so much was the amazing cover. It's just so unique and stunning and just simply gorgeous. So glad that the book was just as perfect as the cover :) I just really adore middle grade books, and fantasy books. I also adore the cover for Exile so much. It fits the story really well, and it's just so extremely pretty.

I have a lot of love for this sequel. Will try my best to review it well, with no spoilers, but still sharing a few things about the plot :) I loved the writing in this book so much. It was very easy to read it. It's a bit long, yet not long enough. I never wanted it to end. The characters are amazing. All of them. A bit sad that there isn't romance in this book, but I am hoping a lot for the third book, because I'm pretty sure there will be something between these two characters :) But oh. This book didn't need romance. The story is just so amazing. And the fantasy. I was never bored while reading it.

Exile takes place a little time after Keeper of the Lost Cities. There is so many things happening in this book. So many new people to meet and new things and secrets to discover. Exile also have a whole lot of heartbreak. Which I loved. But yeah. It is pretty sad. But so good. The entire book is from Sophie's point of view again, and I loved that so much. Because Sophie is an amazing person. She's thirteen, and so kind and sweet and cool, to be honest. I loved her. And her stuffed elephant, Ella. And Iggy. So sweet.

I love the life she has. She's an Elf, and she has tons of cool powers. She has a lot of amazing friends. And her family is the best. Well, kind of. She's only been with them for about a year, and she misses her real family in the human world, although they don't remember her. But she lives with Glady and Edaline. They are pretty amazing. Sad a lot, but I didn't blame them. But they are kind and sweet, just broken. I loved them. She also has a goblin body guard, Sandor. He was pretty amazing too. I loved them all.

The plot in this book centers around this Alicorn. And oh. Silveny is amazing. We get to know her so well, and learn so much about her. I loved that plot twist. It was just so magical and amazing. We also get to know the twelve Councillors better.. And yeah. A few are alright, but I didn't like reading about any of them though. They are very into the rules. We also learn more about the place, Exile. And cries. That was awful. But I loved it, because it was awful, and it was done so well, and made a lot of sense.

We learn a lot more about the Black Swan. That was a bit creepy, but also so amazing. There is still so much I want and need to know, though. Cannot wait to read more about it in the third book. One thing I really loved was the graves in this book. They all have a tree after death. It was so sad, but also so amazing. I loved it. Exile reminded me a tiny bit about Harry Potter at times, which I loved, but it is also its own book which I loved even more. Exile was just perfect. Truly amazing. I loved it so much.

I don't really want to say much more about the plot. Just that so much happens. And it is all amazing. Well, most of it is heartbreaking. But it's so unique and special and I loved every moment of this book. There are a lot of secrets and mysteries. There isn't that much Fitz in this book.. but I loved what there was of him. <3 There is a lot of Keefe, though. And I do love him. He is pretty amazing and so special. Do not wish for him to be a love interest in the third book, though. But I still loved him like crazy.

While there isn't any romance in this book, there are a few love interests. Kind of. There is Dex, who is Sophie's best friend. He is a pretty amazing guy. And he has a huge crush on her, which is so obvious. So glad he don't do anything about it, though (A) Don't think Sophie likes him that way. Then there is Keefe. Who is totally amazing. But I don't see him as liking Sophie that way. Don't see her liking him like that either. But oh. He is pretty amazing and sweet, and I love him very much as her amazing friend :)

Then, of course, there is Fitz. He's still my favorite. I love him so. But oh. He isn't much in this book at all, which I'm sad about, but I still loved this book so much. But yeah. Something awful happens, and he's being a jerk towards Sophie. But it isn't without reason, and Sophie didn't blame him. Neither did I. He's just so sweet and kind, at normal times. And oh. He makes Sophie's heart flutter when he smiles at her. They better be together. Hoping so much he will be her first kiss. <3 They are just perfect together.

So yes. I'm hoping for that in the third book so extremely much. There need to be a little romance. Right? I, at least, would love it :) Although I would love it if there isn't, as well. But I'm pretty sure there will be, because why else would we see Sophie's crush on Fitz? Something needs to be done about it ;) Yeah. I cannot wait. The third book will be amazing, and I want to read it right away. Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile is a perfect book. The most amazing middle grade sequel. Perfect characters. You need it.

You should know that I adore the author, Shannon. She is amazing. So kind and sweet. And omg. She has the best swag ever. And I'm so happy for the contests she have had, since I own a lot of perfect Keeper swag. <3 I love this series so much that I need a print ARC of book one and book two. Want them so, so much. Sigh. They are just so pretty, and these books are just so amazingly good. You need to buy this amazing sequel when it comes out October 1st. It is not a book to be missed. I promise.

I am forever grateful to the publisher; Aladdin, and to Edelweiss for the chance to read and review this amazing book early. <3 Thank you both so much. I'm so happy I was able to read it right away :)


  1. Never heard of the book, sounds interesting :)

  2. You are SO lucky you got to read this. Can you e-mail me about Edelweiss? It sounds like I need to sign up for it, but not sure what it is. Thanks.

  3. I'm so jealous. I asked for it via Edelweiss, but they have yet to approve me! Boo.

  4. I have the first one on my list! I love both covers and think the story sounds amazing. So happy for you that you got an ARC! Yeah! Can't wait to get started. :)


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