
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

I'm so excited for this book. The Raven Boys was AMAZING. And I'm dying for this sequel. A bit sad that the summary isn't here yet.. but I cannot wait, either way. I am, however, sharing the cover :D And oh. The cover is gorgeous. It fits really well with the first one. Well, except for the boy. But I don't mind that very much ;) I cannot wait to read more about this amazing series. The plot. The characters. GANSEY. So, so excited. September 17th yet? I need this book. What do you think of the cover?


  1. I am so happy with this cover! Based on the cover model and the title, I'm thinking we'll get a lot more Ronan in the sequel. I hope so! I really can't wait for September to get here. :)

  2. I just heard about this. So excited because I love The Raven Boys.

  3. I like it! They look good together and that is always important to me :)


  4. I think this cover is really pretty! I'm not sure about the guy on the cover but I hope that means we will get more of a certain character! They do look amazing together! Thanks for sharing :)


  5. Love the cover. One of my good friends loved the first book and wants me to read it. Something, I hope to do soon. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  6. The Dream Thieves truly outshines its predecessor taking us even further into the imaginative world and ultimate quest for Glendower and what it all means. While the main storyline is resolved the book does end on a slight cliffhanger where it’s not yet apparent what the consequences will be. As always, in this situation, now we have the problem of waiting a whole year until we find out what happens! You can definitely expect to see this one on my list of best books of the year.
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