
Friday, January 18, 2013

Title Reveal: Stormdancer #2 by Jay Kristoff

You should all have read Stormdancer by now. It is an amazing Fantasy/Steampunk book. It really is a book that you must have read. Especially if you have seen the gorgeous cover and read the incredible summary. I loved Stormdancer. Found it to be amazing. Such good writing as well. And yeah. I just adored Kin. Although he had a too small role in this book. But I have hope that he will be in the sequel very much. And Buruu. He's perfect. Stormdancer is not a book to be missed! Anyway. Today I'm sharing the title for the sequel with you all :D And it's epic. And all kinds of amazing. I love it. Dying to see the cover as well. And to read this book. I need it right away. Pretty please? So excited. The title is ..


Isn't it just amazing? I love it. I have a feeling this sequel will be even better than Stormdancer. If that is even possible. I cannot wait to read it! And oh. Hoping the summary will be here soon ;) And the cover. Sigh. Hoping it will be just as gorgeous as the one below. Or maybe better. I cannot wait for it all. Also, you do know how totally awesome Jay is, right? ;) You need to follow him if you don't yet.


  1. Eeep, what an awesome title! ^^ Loved Stormdancer. <3

  2. Stormdancer didn't work for me, unfortunately, but I really like this title. I'm looking forward to the eventual cover reveal too. I hope you enjoy the book! :)

  3. I haven't read Stormdancer yet, but I love the cover of it and the title of second book sounds awesome!
    New follower of your lovely blog! :)
    Ifrah@Booksters' Cafe

  4. Haven't read my copy yet but Kinslayer sounds so kick ass. :)Thanks for sharing, Carina. <3

  5. I have not read Stormdance yet- but it sounds like I should read it soon! :)


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