
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Outside by Laura Bickle

I'm sharing the cover for The Outside with you all today :D The Outside is the sequel to The Hallowed Ones. And omg. I loved that book so much. It's amazing. It's Amish. And vampires. And it's different, and so good. Written very well too. And oh. The characters are just so perfect. <3 Really hoping for lots more of Alex in The Outside :) I cannot wait to read it in September. It will be awesome. And ohh. This cover! It's amazing. It fits really well with the first one, I think :) Plus, it's pretty. I cannot wait :D
What do you think of the cover?

After a plague of vampires is unleashed in the world, Katie is kicked out of her Amish community for her refusal to adhere to the new rules of survival. Now in exile, she enters an outside world of unspeakable violence with only her two “English” friends and a horse by her side. Together they seek answers and other survivors—but each sunset brings the threat of vampire attack, and each sunrise the threat of starvation.

And yet through this darkness come the shining ones: luminescent men and women with the power to deflect vampires and survive the night. But can these new people be trusted, and are they even people at all?

In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, it’s up to one Amish girl to save her family, her community, and the boy she loves . . . but what will she be asked to leave behind in return?


  1. It's perfect! I think I like this more than book one's cover actually. I can't wait to read this book! :)

    Thanks for sharing, Carina. x

  2. I'm a huge fan of the first book :D Seeing the cover of The Outside made me more excited. Thanks for sharing


  3. I'm so happy that you like it, Carina! :-D

  4. Great cover! And I love the whole idea of an Amish girl trying to survive vampires. Very cool!

  5. Both of these covers are awesome! WOW! :)

  6. I need to read this one. I have never read an Amish books that includes vampires.

  7. I'm thinking about buying The hallowed ones for my Christmas money. I love how the covers match with each other; that is going to look pretty on the shelves! And such an unique promise :D


  8. The Outside is the final book of this two book series, and it's a well-written, unique sort of young adult book. Sure, it's post-apocalyptic, but the settings are different and the characters attach themselves to you. Definitely recommended for those with a strong stomach and eager for a good read.

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