
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review: Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

I have waited so long for this book. Forever, it seems. I must say that Shades of Earth was worth the wait. It really was. Wish some things had been a tiny bit better, but those were small things. This book was perfect. Could not stop reading it. A great ending to a perfect trilogy. But yeah. I did not want this book to end. Ever. I want another one. And there could be one. At least for me. I very much want a fourth book :) Or just outtakes or something. I would be happy with anything.

Also. This review will be a bit spoilery for the first two books. But I'm kind of sure that is obvious, since this is the third book in a trilogy. Still. Just letting you all know. Starting my review by saying how amazing Beth is. She's an amazing author. She writes so well. These books are written wonderfully. Beth has a way with words. I could feel everything in these books. And that is kind of rare, and so amazing. Love that she's so talented.

Shades of Earth starts where A Million Suns ended. They are leaving Godspeed on the shuttle. And oh. It was kind of amazing. Just Elder and Amy. It isn't a safe landing, though. Lots of things go wrong. But it was sweet that they were together. Until they landed. Because then Amy only cared about her parents. And woke them all up right away. I must admit that I didn't really approve of that at all.. We get to see her parents a lot. I didn't like her dad. He was very military towards Elder and those from Godspeed. Ugh.

But I did like her mom. Maybe. Didn't at first. But she did seem very sweet a bit later. So yeah. I liked her. Also liked a few of the other ninety something people from Sol-Earth. Emma was nice. She was the one most normal. I liked her a lot. Sniffs. I also liked reading about Kit from Godspeed a lot as well. She was very sweet and kind. There is so many new people in this book. But I loved reading about them all. I really did. They are all amazing. Well, okay, some I kind of really, really hated. But I liked hating them.

There is a lot of action in this book. I loved that. There is also so much death! Beth is not afraid of killing people. So many people die. So many that I wanted to live.. and a few I wanted dead did not die. Grrr. Unfair. Anyway. We get to learn a lot more about Godspeed in this book. A lot more about Phydus. And we get to see Orion again. And holy crap. That was the worst part of this book, in my opinion. It was so unfair and heartbreaking and I did not approve one bit. It was just so sad and awful. Perfect.

Anyway. I loved reading from Elder and Amy again. Still prefer Elder a tiny bit, but I still adore Amy :) The planet isn't really what they had hoped. There are killer birds. Dangerous flowers. Aliens. And, of course, Amy's father. I didn't like him. He does some stupid things. But I might have liked that he protected his family. Except, of course, that he didn't really want Amy there at all. Which kind of sucked, to be honest. But I did like reading about it all. I really did. Shades of Earth was amazing.

I don't really want to spoil the plot in this book. So I won't. Won't say more about it. Just that it is all so amazing and weird and awful and just perfect. There is so much death in this book. And I loved it all. I just adored Elder in this book. He just gets more and more perfect. He really cares. For Amy. For his people. He is just the perfect person. And the perfect leader. I also liked Amy. A bit disappointed in something she did, but she's strong. And I just kind of adore her a whole lot. She is amazing.

I'm a bit unsure about how I felt about Shades of Earth. It blew me away. It was everything I wanted from the new planet. But. I was not pleased with the romance. And I'm not sure how to describe it. Is a bit spoilery. There is this new guy at the planet. Chris. And Amy seems to fall for him right away. But we don't know how she feels, cause she doesn't think about it in her point of views. But Elder does. He sees it all. And it was just breaking my heart, because I hate those kinds of things. I did not like Chris at all.

What bothered me the most about it was that it didn't have to be there. Why couldn't Amy just talk to Elder about it? Okay, maybe it was nothing, but I still didn't like it. Because Elder is jealous. Amy is spending a lot of time with Chris. And I didn't like it one bit, cause Chris likes her. And there were a few scenes I really hated. One thing happens. And Amy never tells Elder. That is what I hated the most. That she doesn't talk to him about it. I did not approve. Liked the ending about it, though. But still. Sigh.

But despite that. There is romance between Elder and Amy. Not as much as I had hoped. But there was one scene I loved so, so much. It was just perfect. Just hated what happened before it, and after :( I did not approve of Chris at all. It wasn't fair. Sigh. Just wish it hadn't been in the book. He could have been there without the almost love-triangle. Anyway. I adore Amy and Elder together. They are just perfect. And so sweet. Though they are a part a tiny bit, because of Amy's dad :\ I did not like that much.

Anyway. This book was amazing. I loved everything about it. The ending is a bit heartbreaking. But perfect. Really, really perfect. Of course, I wanted it longer. I never wanted this book to end. But it did. And I'm happy with it. But yeah. I need more :) If you have read the first books, then you must read Shades of Earth. It is epic. It's amazing. You really need to read it. Trust me. You will not regret it.


  1. I only read a little bit of your review as I haven't yet finished the second book. But I'm really glad to hear the trilogy ended well for you! It's always great when a favourite series wraps up perfectly. :)

  2. Ahh I can't wait to read this! I'm a little scared though, cause all the reviews I've read say that Beth isn't afraid to kill people!
    Great review :D

    Richa @ City of Books

  3. Amazing review! I've always meant to start the Across The Universe series but I never got to them, now would be a great time to start!! :D

    Book a World

  4. What a terrific book! Another book and series I need to add to my list. Thanks for sharing!


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