
Saturday, January 19, 2013

In My Mailbox #64

This week I read and re-read the Across the Universe trilogy by Beth Revis. <3 It was just so perfect. I loved the ending of the series. But oh. I want more. Didn't get anything in the mail today, on a saturday. So I'm gonna start reading Paper Valentine later today :D Can't wait. Hope it will be amazing. Today I got some awesome things in the mail. <3 Sigh. Also went to another town, at a toy store, and they had the most amazing Wreck-It Ralph things :D Didn't buy a few things, but soon, I know ;p I love it all.
What did you get this week?

Shades of Earth. Two copies. Love, love, love. Perfect book. Gorgeous edition. I love them so much.
Fated. I very much wanted this book. And now I finally have it :) I hope it is good. Gorgeous cover.
Paper Valentine. Ahh. Starting this next. Waited a long time for it :) I love it. Looks so good.
Level 2. I loved this book. It was pretty amazing :) And oh. This hardcover is really pretty. Adore.
Through the Ever Night. International paperback edition :D I love it. So pretty. Perry is so much love.
Let It Snow. Ah. John Green. Still only read one book by him. But this short story seems amazing :)
The Fault in Our Stars. Oh, gorgeous paperback. I need every edition of this book. Loved it very much.
Ashes, Ashes. I adored this book. It was just amazing. And oh. This paperback is gorgeous. Loves.
Warm Bodies. Perfect book! Love this movie-tie-in. Cannot wait to watch the movie :D Will be perfect.
Seraphina. Ahh. This book is so amazing. And this cover is so so pretty :D Re-read soon, I think :)

Altered. So many people loved this book. So I had to get it. Reading it soon, I think. So pretty :)
The Essence. Oh, my second copy. This book was just PERFECT. I loved it so much. Gorgeous.
Jellicoe Road. Ahh. Amazing, perfect book. So much love. Gorgeous paperback. I need all editions.
Under the Never Sky. Another edition of this amazing book. <3 Isn't it so gorgeous, though?
Katniss Barbie. Might not have loved the movie, but this barbie is GORGEOUS in person. I love.
Stag Locket. Perfect perfect perfect locket based of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. <3 Hebel Design is AMAZING. Morozova's Collar. This one is perfect. Truly, truly perfect. I love. It fits really well too. And it's just perfect. Sigh. Not the best pictures, I know. But will take better ones soon :)

Brave Monopoly. Oh, wanted this one forever. Finally have it. Isn't it gorgeous? I love love love it :)
Wreck-it Colouring. A bit damaged. Sniffs. But oh. It is very, very pretty :) I adore it. Must have it all.
Water for Elephants. First one was very broken :\ So I was lucky enough to get a new one. Gorgeous.
Breaking Dawn: Score. Haven't listened to this one yet, but it is just so, so pretty. I adore it.
Rise of the Guardians Soundtrack. Ahh. Gorgeous. I need to see this movie soon.. dying to watch it. <3
Moomin cup.  AHH! Isn't it gorgeous? :D I love love love it. He's is just amazing. And tiny kitty :D
Barbapapa figure. Hih. I have a few different kinds of this one. And oh. This one is just so pretty.
Happy Feet 2 plush. I love this one. The Happy Feet movies are just so cute and amazing. I love.
Ralph and Felix :D Ah! So many pretties. I love these so so so much. Must get the rest of them as well :D

Oh. I got accepted for this gorgeous thing. <3 Got an eARC of it :) I will be reading it very, very soon. I cannot wait :D Super excited. Loved Grave Mercy a whole lot. Will be re-reading it before reading this one, though :D

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. You got so much awesomeness this week! I just finished Shades of Earth yesterday, and it was amazing <3
    I can't wait to read Level 2!
    And yeah, Altered is amazing too. Probably gonna be my favourite 2013 debut! Hope you enjoy it :)

    My IMM

  2. Dark Triumph <3 OMG. I can't wait to read this book!
    Shades of Earth sounds awesome, as well. This trilogy is just really good.
    And I love the Katniss barbie. Very cute :3

  3. Hi Carina! ZOMG!! Warm Bodies movie tie-in edition! I want one, too. Need to read it before I watch the movie! <3 Loved Ashes Ashes! Glad you enjoyed it! ANother ZOMG - Level 2!! Sadly it's not yet available here in the Philippines. Dying to snag a copy. Happy reading!

    If you have time, drop by at my Stacking the Shelves post.

  4. I had some mixed thoughts on Grave Mercy, but I can't wait to see what you think of the sequel. Love the cover for it! Paper Valentine has a gorgeous cover too. I quite liked it overall, so I hope you do too. :) Awesome haul, lovely!

  5. Can't wait to read Shades of Earth - and LET IT SNOW is Ah-Mazing! All three stories tie together in teeny tiny ways, and they're all awesome.

    Enjoy all the goodies!

  6. First of all....OMG! OMG! OMG! U got approved for DARK TRIUMPH!!! *legit dies X_X* I so have to read UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Level 2 HB is so pretty right?! Ashes, Ashes is in PB!! *goes of to buy it* Gotta get myself a copy of Altered too, i've heard AWESOME things about it. And :O Saw the Katniss barbie last week in a store and IT IS SO MUCH BETTER than the twilight barbies, this one actually looks like her :P So many toys, I LOVED happy feet too!

    Lisseth @ Read-A-holicZ [My StS]

  7. Awesome haul! So many great books and toys! Looking forward to hearing what you think of Paper Valentine, as that looks like a good one. Enjoy!

  8. Brave Monopoly! How awesome is that :D I also love the books you've got. Fated, Level 2, The fault in our stars and Paper Valentine are books I can't wait to read!

    Happy reading.


  9. My copy of Jellicoe Road arrived this week, can't wait to get to it. I read TFiOS on Friday and really enjoyed it! Ooh, your so lucky - I can't wait to read Dark Triumph. Loved Altered!

  10. Argh Carina! I have so much envy for your haul. First things though, how did I not know there was a Brave Monopoly??? Oh and where do you get all the money for these special books? I would be broke by now!

    Happy Reading!

    Check out My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  11. Excellent haul, Carina! I can't believe you've got two copies of Shades. :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy everything.

  12. Paper Valentine is amazing! Hope you enjoy it!

    Happy reading :)

  13. Lot of cover awesomeness going on here. Great haul. I hope that you enjoy everything you got this week anddd happy reading ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  14. Woow, awesome haul!! :) I like the Under the never sky edition!! :) And Jellicoe Road is just pure awesomeness <3 <3

  15. I just finished reading Warm Bodies yesterday and it was really amazing! I can't wait for the movie. You have an amazing haul this week, so I hope you enjoy everything!

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. Look at the lovely books you got! I want to read Seraphina and Under the Never Sky. I have The Fault in our Stars to read and I want to read Jellicoe Road. Yeah for you. :) Happy reading!

  17. You got some crazy awesome books this week and I am so jealouss!! GAHHHH!
    Check out my IMM/ STS!

  18. I love let it snow! Great haul this week.
    My IMM

  19. Wow so many great books. Dark Triumph looks fantastic. Also, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. You can find the details at


  20. I read The Fault In Stars was such a good book! I hope you enjoy it too :)

    My IMM


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