
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday #44

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

While trying to save her brother four years ago, Greta was thrown into the witch’s fire herself, falling through a portal to a dangerous world where humans are the enemy, and every ogre, goblin, and ghoul has a dark side that comes out with the full moon.

To survive, seventeen-year-old Greta has hidden her humanity and taken the job of bounty hunter—and she’s good at what she does. So good, she’s caught the attention of Mylena’s young Goblin King, the darkly enticing Isaac, who invades her dreams and undermines her determination to escape.

But Greta’s not the only one looking to get out of Mylena. The full moon is mere days away, and an ancient evil knows she’s the key to opening the portal. If Greta fails, she and the lost boys of Mylena will die. If she succeeds, no world will be safe from what follows her back.

Paperback, 400 pages
Expected publication: November 13th 2012 by Entangled Publishing, LLC
Pre-Order here.

I think I will like this book. It sounds awesome. The plot sounds exciting and mysterious, and I'm also hoping there will be an awesome romance. <3 Hih. With no triangle at all, please. And that cover. I adore the book cover. A bit unique, but so gorgeous. Really love that. :) Cannot wait for this book.
What are you waiting for?

Psst, did you see that I have a new giveaway up? :D One winner will win The Immortal Rules and The Hallowed Ones. <3 Also, International. Enter here:  


  1. Great choice, Carina! I honestly haven't heard a thing about this book. Thank you for bringing it to my radar, adding it on my TBR list now *-*

  2. Goblins and bounty hunters? I love the sound of this! I agree, no love triangle would be heaven. We're not asking for much. ;)

  3. This looks like a great high fantasy! Entangled has some great looking stuff coming out in the near future!

  4. This sounds do good. Thank you for sharing it.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  5. Hi Hun!

    Do you have Asda over there? I went to Asda today and they have some lovely Brave books. I took some pics and I'll upload to Twitter later, I'll tweet you when they're on. When you get to London, there may be an Asda about.

    I got this

    And this

    So cute :-)

    1. Hi sweetie :D No, no Asda over here :\ just have a little book store with just a few books :p and so expensive o.O do all my book shopping via bookdepo :D Also, do you have those pictures? <3 :D

      I do have those, though :D They are gorgeous. <3 ;)

  6. Sounds awesome :) I haven't even heard of this author but the book sounds pretty fantastic!

    Check out what the Brunette Librarian's Waitin' on :)

  7. Eeep, I can't wait for this book! Sounds so GOOD. :D

  8. I've never heard of this book but it sounds great! I can see why you are waiting for it :)


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