
Monday, August 20, 2012

In My Mailbox #43

This week I have been in London. For my third time in 2 years. And I did love it there. <3 Just did a lot of shopping. :) But I also got so exhausted, and sick :\ Need a lot of rest now ;p It is also why my IMM post is a bit late this week. Got home very late Sunday, so no time to do it before then. Anyway. I did get some mail this week :D So sharing that and most of the things I bought in London. <3
What did you get this week?

The Rise of Nine I have read the first book, which I did love, must read book 2 and 3 soon :)
Once Paperback The first copy I got of it was a bit broken :\ So I got a new one :D Pretty. <3
Brave Story Books These are adorable. I love them so so so much. <3 Gorgeous. :)
The Hunger Games on Blu-Ray. Well, I might not have loved the movie, still needed it. :)
Brave Calendar Gah. So gorgeous :D I love it a whole lot. <3 So many pretty pictures :)
Snow White and the Huntsman Calendar Well, not sure how to feel anymore. But I love the pics :)
Let the Sky Fall signed bookmark. <3 Won from Shannon :D And omg. LOVE IT :D 

I also got accepted for some titles via NetGalley :D Really excited about those. <3

Shadows. Sequel to Ashes. <3 I am excited about this. Mostly ;p Will read it soon. :)
Eve and Adam. I think this book seems awesome :D Pretty cover. <3
The Archived Sneak Peek. About 100 pages. Gaaah. So excited for it. <3 :D
Crewel. This book does seem awesome. Can't wait to read it .:)

And the things I got in London. <3

Limited Edition of Rapunzel. <3 Omg. LOVE IT :D So happy I found it. :) And more Tangled Ever After dolls. <3 Love them. And Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog :D So much love. <3

True Blood Bill statue. <3 Omg. Love. I adore Bill. :) Well, before these last episodes of season 5 :p But, I do love him. And this one was on sale :D £65 before, £24 now. And Gizmo :D So pretty. And Bel Ami blu-ray. <3 Love it. And some AWESOME Game of Thrones things :D So much love. And a few Hunger Games items. Don't like the movie at all, but I do love the books.. So I needed it. <3 Some hand creames and such. <3 And some awesome Angry Birds stuff :D Love. And a plush kitten. Love it. And The Lord of the Rings :D LEGO :D LOVE it. Perfect. And the ring. <3 Adore it all.

Brave bag. Love it. Brave bow and arrow :D Perfect. Also got 50 packs with Brave cards :D So gorgeous. 5 in each pack. I love them all. Brave Puzzle. Tangled Ever After Puzzle. Both perfect. Brave mug :D Gorgeous. Some small Brave things :) Brave chocolate. Brave Matching Cards Game. Tangled Matching Cards Game. So pretty :D Brave Wii Game. <3 Big Brave plush :D Have the three small ones. <3 And the triplets in Bear form and human form. Must happy about those :D Perfect.

Bambi figures. The Lion King figures. The Little Mermaid figures. My Blue Nose Friends figures. I love these ones. <3 They are all perfect. :)

Tangled book. <3 And Brave book ;p A lot of Brave books. I adore them all. And they are very special too :D Perfect. Also. All those Brave magazines? I adore them. And I need more of them.. hih (A) Love my Brave stickers. They are gorgeous. <3 Also. Harry Potter book: Page to Screen :D I ADORE IT! It is huuuge. And heavy. And perfect. So much awesome inside it. :) Can't wait to read.
Want to know about all the things I got while I was in Orlando, Florida in July? Then see this post. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Psst, did you see that I have a new giveaway up? :D One winner will win The Immortal Rules and The Hallowed Ones. <3 Also, International. Enter here:


  1. Lets not talk about your Bill in the recent episodes of True Blood...I want hit so, so bad! But my Eric... ahhh! He is SO swoonyworthy :-) I love your little Gizmo, I have a little Gizmo figure I've had for years, I used to have a cuddly Gizmo, but I don't know what happened to it :-(

    I love all the little things you bought, so glad you had a good time in London :-) Where did you get the Harry Potter Page to Screen?

    I do want to see The Hunger Games, I'll get the dvd when I pop into town, I haven't read the books yet!.. I must be the only one who hasn't!!

    1. Hih (A) Yeah.. I am not happy with True Blood these days :( And it sucks. Cause Bill was always my favorite character :\ Grrr. It just doesn't make much sense these days :p
      Hih, my Gizmo is awesome :D So adorable. <3 He is the cutest ;) Ahh, that is no good :( hope you find him one day. <3

      Got the Harry Potter book at Forbidden Planet :D Was on sale too ;p just £40.. that might be a bit much, but still ;p can't order it here to Norway :p

      I would suggest reading the Hunger Games books first ;) Cause the movie kind of sucks :p and the books are so good. <3 well, okay, they were the first few times.. these days I get annoyed just thinking about them :p lol :D

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself in London! It looks like you treated yourself to some awesome goodies while you were here. I love all that Brave stuff! Looks amazing. :) And yay for getting Crewel! It sounds so good and I can't wait to read it myself. Lovely haul, Carina. :)

  3. Woow! So happy that you had great time in London!! :) :) <3 <3 And woow so many stuff you've got! :)

  4. Ooo, I can't believe you got The Rise of Nine !=D I've been dying for it ever since I finished the last one. Such a GREAT series!!

  5. Great mailbox! I love all of the Disney stuff! I've read and enjoyed Once..I hope you do too! And I have Crewel, The Archived, and Eve & Adam on my WL!

    Here is my Mailbox

  6. Your mailbox is amazing I love your mockingjay!

  7. I love your IMMs. You always have the coolest stuff.


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