
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #45

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Looking across the breakfast table one morning, twelve-year-old Liza feels dread wash over her. Although her younger brother, Patrick, appears the same, Liza knows that he is actually quite different. She is certain that the spindlers-evil, spiderlike beings-came during the night and stole his soul. And Liza is also certain that she is the only one who can rescue him.

Armed with little more than her wits and a huge talking rat for a guide, Liza descends into the dark and ominous underground to save Patrick's soul. Her quest is far from easy, and the road to the spindlers' nests is riddled with danger. She must brave tree snakes, the Court of Stones, and shape-shifting serpents before facing her greatest challenge in the spindlers' lair, where more than just Patrick's soul is at stake.

Hardcover, 256 pages
Expected publication: October 2nd 2012 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order here.

I loved Lauren's first MG book; Liesl and Po. I loved her writing and her characters. And because of that I am dying to read her next middle grade book. The Spindlers sounds amazing. I cannot wait to read it :D The summary is so good, and the cover is gorgeous. Cannot wait for it to come out. :)
What are you waiting for?

Did you see that I have a giveaway up? :D One winner will win The Immortal Rules and The Hallowed Ones. <3 International. Ends 08/27. Enter here: 


  1. EEEEEEP, Lauren Oliver <3333 I'm a bit of a fangirl for her. I haven't read Liesl and Po yet, but I'm planning on doing so ASAP.

    Books of Amber

  2. I hope Lauren Oliver's MG books are less heart-breaking than her YA ones. ;) I'm looking forward to this too! I agree that the cover is gorgeous. :)

  3. I loved this book! It's very cute :) I hope you'll love it as much as I did.

  4. I haven't read Liesl and Po yet but excited to see how Oliver tackles MG :) Great pick!

    Here's what i'm waiting on

    and check out my awesome YA giveaway Here


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