
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

I can't believe it's been a whole year since I first read Anna Dressed in Blood. A whole year waiting for this sequel. And I can say that it was worth the wait. Girl of Nightmares was amazing. A tiny thing annoyed me a bit, but I didn't mind that much. Cause I loved Cas at all times, and Thomas. And Anna. They are my favorite characters in these books, and I loved them all the time. Happy about that. :)

I adore that cover of Girl of Nightmares. It is perfect. Creepy, so very creepy. But gorgeous. Same cover girl from Anna Dressed in Blood, and I'm really happy with that. I love the ghosts, and the colors. Might have loved the first cover best, when it was just all red. But I must admit that this new cover is even more pretty in person than I thought it would be. It is so gorgeous. <3 Cover love. :)

These two books are high on my all-time favorite books. They are both just perfect. I adore this world that Kendare has created. I mean, it's just like ours, but with some awesome ghosts and such. :) What I love very much is the writing. Because it is perfect. It is rare to find good books with good writing, but Kendare has managed it with two books now. And I cannot wait to read more from her. <3

Anyway. You should know that this review will contain spoilers if you have not read Anna Dressed in Blood. So be aware of that. :) And if you still haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood I have no idea what is wrong with you. You need to read it. Right away. And then Girl of Nightmares right after. :) This amazing sequel starts six months after the first one ended. And I did like how it started. Somewhat.

It starts on a date. Cas on a date. And I may not have liked that, but Cas didn't have any interest in her whatsoever. So I didn't really mind at all. And I'm glad we got to know that. :) It has been six months since Anna disappeared. Since she dragged their enemy down to hell. Cas should move on, according to everyone around him. But he can't. And I so understand that. He can't because he doesn't know what really happened to Anna. He doesn't know if she is alright or not. Then, the nightmares starts.

Only, it isn't really nightmares. Cause they happen when he is awake. He sees Anna so many times. All times in horrible ways. She is being tortured. And most likely by the same monster she dragged with her. And it is killing Cas. Well, kind of. It is all so awful. Because I felt it right with him, and it made me hurt so much. And it made me sad and angry and just gah. Then there were his friends..

Thomas and Carmel. And I loved Thomas. He believed in Cas all the time. And that is a true friend. Thomas was awesome. Just like in the first book. :) But then there was Carmel. And I kind of knew there were a reason for why I didn't like her much in the first book. In this book I hated her. She acted like such a bitch. And I should have been able to understand her, maybe, but I didn't. She was just so cruel at times. And I could have forgiven her at the end, but I didn't. I just did not like her at all :p

And that is the thing that annoyed me. That it was over so fast, by the end. But. I also kind of understood it. In a way. Because I do adore Thomas and wanted him to be happy. :) There was also a new character. Jestine. I didn't like her at all. And it seemed like Cas did. Just hope it wasn't anything romantic. That would not be okay. I mean, she was kind of awesome. But I didn't like her :p

We also got to see Gideon in this book. He wasn't as awesome as I had imagined him to be. But that was most likely because of the way things were then. Wish we could have met Daisy ;) I also really loved Cas's mom more in this book. She is awesome. Then, of course, I adored Cas. He is just the perfect character. Kind, sweet and strong. But he is also a bit broken, which I loved a whole lot.

And he has so much love for Anna. I adored it. There is a bit of Anna in this book. Won't spoil it. But I loved her. Felt so sorry for her. But was so happy to see her in this book. I just wish.. sigh. Was a bit disappointed. Cause there is 300 pages without her :p And I wish she had been there more. But I also did like what happened in those 300 pages. Like the Suicide Forest. That one was awesome. And scary.

The plot in Girl of Nightmares is amazing. Just as good as the first one. Even though there wasn't much Anna. But there was Cas the whole time. And I adore Cas. And Thomas. They make a fine twosome. This book is very scary too, like the first one. Not as many ghost killings. Didn't mind though. There is more talking in this book. But I did enjoy it. It is also very creepy.

We get to know of an Order. Won't say much about it. But I didn't like the Order. It sucked. But I did like that it was in this book. :) It made it interesting ;p Girl of Nightmares is exciting. It is scary. It is perfect. There isn't much romance in this book. Maybe one page. Maybe. Tiny bit sad about that. But I didn't really mind, cause this book was so amazing even without romance. And that was good. :)

There happens so much in this book. And you must pay attention. And I hated getting to see how bad Anna was doing. It killed me. But it was perfect. Kind of wish it had happened more. Hih. Anyway. The ending of this book is kind of fast. I wanted it to be longer and longer and longer. Never wanted it to end. A tiny bit disappointed by the ending, but it was also perfect. It made a lot of sense. And, well, it was kind of sweet. But it also made me want a sequel so bad. I need more Cas. Lots more Cas.

There isn't really anything more to say. I loved Girl of Nightmares. It is the perfect sequel to an amazing book. And I'm really happy about it. Cannot wait to re-read these awesome books again. Hih. :) Anyway. If you have read Anna Dressed in Blood, then you must read Girl of Nightmares. It really is an amazing sequel. Plus, you must know how it all ends. What happens next. :)

I wanted to thank Tor Teen for sending me a finished copy of this book plus the most perfect buttons.
It means the world to me. So thank you. Thank you so much. :)


  1. Great review, Carina! I'm reading this right now, and I'm loving it. Glad you liked it! :D

  2. I'm so pleased you liked this, Carina. I'm certain I will love it too! Cas was such a great character in the first book that I can't wait to meet him again. It's a shame there isn't much of Anna in this but I still look forward to her parts. A lovely review as always! :)

  3. I have to buy the first volume this sounds AWESOMEEEEEE!!! D:

  4. Wow, now I really have to read this:) I keep hearing how good it is but knowing it is on your top list makes me more anxious! Thanks!

  5. I am so glad you enjoyed this book. I also think the cover is incredibly beautiful. I have book one and keep trying to pick it up and for some reason I cannot explain just have not got to it, will definitely have to make the effort. Thank you for sharing today.


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