
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cover Reveal: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Ahh! I am so excited about this! The Chemical Garden is one of my favorite series. Wither and Fever. And now Sever. Sigh. I am so excited about this book. <3 I need it! Need to know that Rhine will be with Gabriel. <3 Hih. Also need to know what happens next in this amazing world Lauren has created. Also, I adore her. Lauren is amazing. Just so you know. :) I love this book cover! It is stunning. What do you think? Book coming February 12th. <3 I'm sorry for not having blogged much this week. Still very sick.
I blogged about the title, Sever, here. Also including a tiny teaser from Sever! <3 Best part? Tomorrow we get the back cover as well. And then there will be a bigger summary. :) Will update the post then. Updated with the front + back cover :D And sigh. It is so pretty. :) I may not be a fan of the green, but I do afore the cover. Because the girl is perfect. And I need this book so much.

In the first two books of the Chemical Garden trilogy, Wither and Fever, Rhine struggles to escape the mansion and then to navigate the brutal world outside. Now in Sever, the third and final book, Rhine uncovers some shattering truths about the past that her parents never had the chance to tell her and the alarming implications regarding her own genes. She may be the one who can save the human race.

My review of Wither. My review of Fever.


  1. The covers for this series are just stunning! I think I prefer the cover of book 1 and 2, but this is still nice. :)

    1. Hih, I sort of agree (A) I love Wither's cover the most. <3

  2. Um, well, it's definitely different. Maybe too bright for the serie :P Dunno. But I love the dress!! :) Thank you for sharing! :) ;)

    1. Hih, maybe (A) But I still love it. Cause the girl is perfect :D As is the details :)

  3. Oh..I think they've buggered this cover up... It's not as nice as the other too, and I hate the green, it reminds of green snot or that green gooey stuff kids play with :-( I really don't like it :-(

    1. I mostly agree.. I don't really like that green color much :p But I do love this cover, still. Cause the girl is perfect, and I love all the details. :)

  4. I definitely need to take my copy of Wither with me on vacation, because it's unbelievable that I haven't started this series yet. I might also take Fever with me. :D

    Not really sure what to think of SEVER's cover though. It fits to the other two covers, but Wither's cover still is the best. :)

    1. Oh yes. You must! Wither is perfect. <3 And Fever might be better :D Maybe ;) Sigh. They are just so perfect. <3 Hope you'll love them ;) Also, yeah, Wither's cover is the best :)

  5. I love the cover for Sever! Ahhhh so much symbolism! And I love the green. Need to go get my nails in that cover. Ahhhhhh Lauren Destefano!!!!!


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