
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #37

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich in tradition and myth, now decimated by clockwork industrialization and the machine-worshipers of the Lotus Guild. The skies are red as blood, the land is choked with toxic pollution, and the great spirit animals that once roamed its wilds have departed forever.

The hunters of Shima's imperial court are charged by their Shōgun to capture a thunder tiger – a legendary creature, half-eagle, half-tiger. But any fool knows the beasts have been extinct for more than a century, and the price of failing the Shōgun is death.

Yukiko is a child of the Fox clan, possessed of a talent that if discovered, would see her executed by the Lotus Guild. Accompanying her father on the Shōgun’s hunt, she finds herself stranded: a young woman alone in Shima’s last wilderness, with only a furious, crippled thunder tiger for company. Even though she can hear his thoughts, even though she saved his life, all she knows for certain is he’d rather see her dead than help her.

But together, the pair will form an indomitable friendship, and rise to challenge the might of an empire.

Hardcover, USA Edition (1st Edition), 336 pages
Expected publication: September 18th 2012 by Thomas Dunne Books
Pre-Order here.

Well, I am dying to read this book. I really am. See, Jay is awesome. I adore him. One of the people I like most on twitter. :) He is just really cool. And when I first heard of this book a few weeks ago I knew I needed it. I am dying to read it. First, the cover is perfect. PERFECT. And the summary is so damn good! Sigh. I need this book. I have a feeling I will love it to pieces. :)
What are you waiting for?

(Also: What cover is your favorite? US or UK? :D I love both. <3 but mostly US.)


  1. I definitely prefer the cover on the right. But I still don't get why the girl is so white... :S

    ✪✩ComaCalm's Corner✩✪

  2. I cannot wait for this either, Great pick!

    My WoW!

  3. Oh I'm going batshit crazy for this book!... I need it something bad!

    I love both of the covers, I think I lean towards the US cover a bit as I think Yukiko is much more awesome on that cover, plus I love the whole graphic novel look of it... the UK looks a bit more serious, I love the font, but Yukiko doesn't cut it for me as much, I wish she wasn't dressed in a boiler suit and the cover looks a bit manly, do you think?

    1. Me too! Sigh. It will be epic. <3 And yeah, the US cover is the best. :) And yes, I agree about the UK cover. It is gorgeous, but also a bit weird, and not as perfect as the US one ;p

  4. Both covers are amazing and this book looks so freaking good!

  5. Every time I see this book on a post, I wish it would magically appear in my hands. I love both covers and that premise has got to be one of the most awesome I've come across. Thanks for sharing!

    Here’s my WoW post. Happy Wednesday! :D

  6. Both covers are beautiful, but I like the one on the right better...this one sounds amazing.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  7. This sounds really awesome, so I hope it will live up to our expectations. :D Amazing pick, my dear! :)

  8. I love both covers for Stormdancer. So excited for this book!! It sounds like it's going to be amazing.

    Great WOW :)

  9. Both covers are amazing! I can't wait to read this book either, especially after all the great reviews. Great pick, Carina! :)

  10. I am dying to read this too! I can't choose a cover, I love them both so, so much.

    Books of Amber

  11. I NEED this book more than air! Love the blog! I followed on GFC.

    my WOW

  12. I like the cover with the clearer background, and the read flowers. It looks very ethereal. Awesome choice this week, Carina. This looks great! :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  13. You know, I actually prefer the UK cover. This one does sound really interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it. Great pick!

  14. I'm dying to read this book too! It sounds amazing and I love that it's an Asian fantasy world! Love both covers, but like you, I think I'm partial to the US one.

    My WoW post.


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