
Saturday, June 23, 2012

In My Mailbox #37

I haven't read very much these past few weeks. So I didn't have many blog posts. Then this week lots of new covers were revealed. :) And I love sharing those. <3 I am sick at the moment; so don't feel like reading now either :\ But will probably find something. I think. :) This week I did get lots of awesome stuff! And I love it all. <3 Sigh. I love getting mail ;p Also! Orlando, Florida in just 9 days! <3
What did you get this week?

Brave Ahh. I love this one. <3 Sigh. I want to see Brave now! Two weeks left.. :)
Indiana Jones. Well, I do sort of like these movies :D Only seen the last one ;)
The Lion King 2. Ah. I adore The Lion King movies. <3 needed blu-ray and dvd :)
Surrender Must start this series soon! But not happy about love triangle in 1&2 :\
Mirage So excited to start this series! Loves these covers. Seems so amazing. :)
Lies Beneath I need to read this book soon. It sounds awesome. And I love the cover :D
Shadow and Bone Ah. One of my favorite books. <3 Just re-read it. :) It is amazing.
Lots of awesome swag that I won from Lenore. <3 I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH! Perfect.
Dead Flesh iPod Skin that I won from Can't Put it Down. <3 So awesome :D

For Darkness Shows the Stars I was so excited about reading this book. Then read negative reviews :\ And now I am not sure at all. Sigh. Unfair. But the cover is so gorgeous! And sounds so good. :)
Timepiece Well, I needed two copies even though I do not approve.. :) Pretty cover, though.
Before I Wake I peeked at this. Think I can finally start this series :D So damn excited. <3
Chosen Ones Thinking about reading this next. It does sound amazing. :) And I love the cover!
This Is Not a Test Ahhh. One of the best books! IT IS A MUST READ! I cannot wait to re-read it. <3
SWATH Novel Well, needed lots of copies of this one too. :) It is so pretty. And I love the poster. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren


  1. Oh I love the Lion King movies too. :)

    Great haul, Carina! I hope you enjoy the Soul Screamers series. It's pretty good though I wonder what you will think of the romance. ;) You got lots of cool swag too! Enjoy your new books.

    1. <3 thank you. :) I am unsure about the romance too. But, I know how it ends :D And something about how much she does with the first guy and then the last guy. So, yeah, I know I will approve of it after a while ;p Hih. :)

  2. Awww, sorry to hear you're not feeling very huh, I hope you get better soon, curling up in bed helps :-) .... but Florida in just over a week, you must be so excited! I really want to go and see the Hogwarts castle ;-)

    A geat mailbox this week, I have Chosen Ones on my wishlist, an Lies Beneath. This Is Not a Test, I pre ordered and I think I ahould be getting it in a couple of weeks, can't wait! I have all the Soul Screamers books so far, I haven't read any of them yet though, I'm waiting for the final book to be released then I'll make a start :)

    Ooh I love that Kiera Hudson skin you have!

    1. <3 thank you. :) Have been taking it easy these past days. Haven't read anything, either :p But I am still sick! Gah. Starting to get better though. :) I hope. And yes. I am so so so excited for Orlando. <3 I get to see the castle :D So excited for that. :)

      Thank you. <3 This Is Not a Test is so good! Hope you'll love it when it comes. :)

  3. Brave is an amazing movie! I saw it yesterday with my friend and it is just beautiful, can't wait for you to see it. Great book haul!

  4. Oh! Great books! I'm dying to read Shadow and Bone and This is Not a Test. And I've heard many good things about Lies Beneath, but I'm not sure if I will buy it or what. :D

    My haul

  5. So jealous you have two copies of This is Not a Test! I need to read it! Shadow and Bone is awesome too!

    Letterbox Love!

  6. For Darkness Shows the Stars and This is not a Test! I've heard wonderful things about both of those.

    Happy reading! :)

  7. Wow, you've got a lot of great goodies this week! It's a shame you aren't feeling good, I hope you get better. :/ Shadow & Bone and This is Not a Test were some of my favourite books this year! For Darkness Shows the Stars, The Chosen Ones, Level 2 and Lies Beneath all look wonderful too. :) And I adore those book marks. :) I hope you enjoy your books!

  8. Omg awesome haul! Pretty much want every single thing there! So jealous of you :D Ahhhh love it all!! haha. Hope you enjoy them (:

    - Kim
    My Haul

  9. I loved For Darkness Shows the Stars! Don't let the negative review put you off. It's great story. Enjoy all your new books!

  10. Oh wow! That's such an awesome haul! Sooo jealous ;) Hope you'll enjoy your new reads!

    Happy Reading!

    Filia @ Anima Libri - Booksoul

    My IMM

  11. Your IMMs always ROCK! Yay for Timepiece. I heart Kaleb. ;) Shadow & Bone and For Darkness Shows the Stars are fab reads!! Enjoy all your awesomeness this week. I can't wait to read your reviews.

  12. I'm so jealous of This Is Not A Test it sounds so good. I have an ARC of Starters but I haven't read it yet. I really need to get on that =) I hope you enjoy everything and here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  13. So happy the swag FINALLY made it to you :)


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