
Saturday, April 14, 2012

In My Mailbox #27

Got more mail this week :D And I am loving it all. <3 Also; thank you all for following me, and commenting on my posts, and for just being so amazing :) I adore you all.
What did you get this week?

Froi of the Exiles I loved loved loved loved this book. <3 It is awesome. A must read :)
Finnikin of the Rock I loved loved loved loved loved this book! It is so damn good. You need it. <3
The Girl of Fire and Thorns I do with to read this book :) Unsure if I will like it; but maybe :D
The World of the Hunger Games Well, I needed this one :D I suppose. It looks pretty :)
A Million Suns The UK paperback :) I loved this book. And I just needed the paperback edition :D
The Calling I loved The Gathering; and I cannot wait to read The Calling. <3 Love this paperback.
SIGNED The Last Echo plus swag. Won this from Kimberly. <3 And omg! I love it all so so much :D

The Springsweet I have The Verspertine; and when I read that one I need to read the sequel as well :D
The Calling So excited to read this book. But also nervous. Cannot wait, either way :)
Goddess Interrupted I own the first book in this series; and I will read them both soon :D
Die For Me Not sure if this book is for me at all. But I am going to give it another chance soon :)
Happy Feet 2 Love this little library. <3 It is just too cute :D And I adore Happy Feet so much.
The Hunger Games Soundtrack. I didn't own this soundtrack :D It has awesome extra things inside.

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)

Also? Did you all enter my new international giveaway? :D You can choose one YA paperback. Lots of amazing books to choose from. <3 Ends May 11th. Enter HERE.


  1. You got some awesome books. Loved Across The Universe too!
    And after reading your review about Finnikin of the Rock I think I have to get it :D (too good that the bookdepository provides a 10% coupon right now xD)

    1. Yay! :D Oh yes, you really, really need to get Finnikin of the Rock :) It is just so so so good. <3

  2. The Calling was so good. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  3. Ah die for me - love the cover:) I really want to read it so much:)

  4. Look at all those pretty covers! I think I like the cover on your copy of A Million Suns than the one I have on my copy. Happy reading :)

    Here's the link to my IMM...

  5. Sweety!! Amazing mailbox!! :) :) I liked Die for me :) Glad you loved Finnikin of the Rock! I know you've been waiting for it for a while :) :)

    Enjoy the weekend Carina :) <3 <3

  6. Cool, you got Die For Me! I've actually been wanting to read that for a while. :) Enjoy your awesome haul! ♥ :D

  7. So may amazing books! Loved Die For Me! If you're interested btw, you can join us in our Die For Me Read-a-long here. I'm waiting for my copy of The Last Echo! <3 And when it arrives, I'll read the entire series! Happy reading!

    1. Thank you :D Sounds like fun; but I won't be reading it yet :) Thank you though. I will be re-reading the series when my hardcover of The Last Echo arrives :D

  8. Awesome awesome week Carina!

    Did you not like Die for Me? I loved it but it's nice to see you're going to try again with it. And yay for the signed copy of The Last Echo! Enjoy! Donna xoxo

  9. Ooh you got The Calling! I enjoyed The Gathering too and look forward to reading that book. I thought Die For Me was pretty good but nothing amazing for me. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it. Awesome mailbox, Carina! :)

  10. Aren't Finnikin and Froi just amazing?! I love them too. :) The Calling is fantastic! You will love it.

  11. Awesome selection of books this week!

    Thanks for sharing,
    My IMM for this week -

  12. Congrats on your prizes. I have Goddess Interrupted in my mailbox too.
    New follower.

    Here's my IMM

  13. Great haul! I was actually a bit disappointed in The World of the Hunger Games, but that's just because it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Oh, well.

    I'm super-jealous of the Kimberly Derting book and swag. I haven't read the series yet, but I can't wait to.

    Happy reading (and listening)!

  14. LOVE your IMM this week!! So many awesome books. How cool you won a signed ARC from Kimberly!! Congratulations!!! Enjoy your haul & Happy Reading!

  15. such a great mailbox Carina, Hope youenjoy all of these! I didnt like the Die for me, I didnt even finish it. But hopefully you will. thanks for dropping by, x



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